“What’s got you frowning like that?” she asked quietly.

I licked my lips and said, “I… there are things that I do. Things that I won’t stop. Not even for you.”

She tilted her head as a small smile kicked up the corner of her lips. “I’m going to continue to be blissfully ignorant. You do you. I’ll act like you’re a pure angel. And give you an alibi if you ever need one.”

My grin came forth, and I once again picked her up and walked the three steps to the bed she’d been torturing me in.

Once my knees hit the bed, I gently bent over and laid her down, watching as the t-shirt—mine again—rode up and exposed some black panties.

I growled as I stepped back and started to divest myself of my clothing.

She watched, eyes enraptured, as every single stitch except my boxers, left me and landed on the floor.

Hell, I had even tossed my cut, which I had never let hit the floor.

But it’d hit the floor for her.

However, before it could stay there long, she twisted and reached for it, pulling it onto the bed and gently putting it off to the side where we wouldn’t disturb it if we started to move on the bed.

Which we would.

Because I planned on having her in every single position possible tonight.

Starting with the one I’d dreamed of since she’d turned eighteen and made me realize what I was missing.

I stopped when I was only in my boxer briefs, crawling up between her thighs until she was directly beneath me.

“These legs,” I said as I dragged my hands down the length of her thighs. “I’ve done nothing but think about them since you started parading them around me in short, tiny skirts and shorts.”

She smiled a slow, seductive smile. “That was for your benefit.”

“I was married,” I growled. “Do you know how many times I jacked off thinking about you in those skirts? I was committing sins left and right, and there you were, starring in every single sin.”

She flushed. “I was… it…” she sighed. “You have no idea what it was like.”

“I know exactly what it was like. Not being able to have you and wanting you is torture,” I growled.

She shivered and brought her legs up to wrap around my hips.

The bruising that’d been on her upper thighs was gone. I nudged the black t-shirt up her thighs and was happy to see all of the bruising there was mostly gone as well.

She shifted restlessly, and that’s when I saw that she was bare on top, the undersides of her perky little breasts peeking out from underneath my shirt.

“You’re killing me,” she grumbled as she lifted her hips slightly. “I’ve done literally nothing but think about you being inside me all night, and you’re looking for bruises. Hurry up already. I won’t break.”

I tugged the t-shirt up, my eyes taking in her breasts.

They weren’t the biggest thing in the world, but not the smallest either.

A perfect little handful that I couldn’t wait to…

I dropped my mouth and curled my tongue around one turgid tip.

She all but shot off the bed, the gasp leaving her mouth making me laugh against her nipple.

“Jesus!” she cried out. “What the heck?”

I sucked the tip into my mouth, suckling softly, causing her to shiver and throw her arms around my neck.

She pulled my neck down tighter, but her strength was nothing compared to my need.

I licked and sucked her nipple until she was all but scissoring her legs as she tried to work the need that was between her thighs.

“Need something?” I asked as I drew my tongue across her breastbone until I reached the other nipple.

“You. Inside. Me,” she panted, her words choppy and desperate. “Please.”

My cock was throbbing behind my underwear, each pump of my heart was causing it to jerk.

I was so hard that I imagined if I didn’t get inside her soon, it might very well break.

“I just…” She shifted when I didn’t react fast enough. “I need… I feel empty.”

I sucked her other nipple into my mouth, this time biting down lightly, and causing her to cry out.

The moment it was peaked enough for my satisfaction, I pulled away, then looked at the way she looked so disheveled and needy all splayed out on my bed.

I grinned, satisfaction pouring through me at the sight of her looking so unkempt.

Knowing I put that look of lust in her eyes was enough to make my heart yearn for more.


I wanted her to be mine.

I wanted her in my life for always.

I wanted her in my bed every day when I woke up. Every night when I got home, I wanted her to greet me at the door. I wanted to eat her cooking, and I wanted to make her breakfast every Sunday morning before making sweet, lazy love to her afterward. I wanted her to join me on family outings as not just Clem’s best friend, but my girlfriend. And eventually my wife.