“Yes, sir,” I teased.

His eyes flared at the mention of ‘sir’ but I pretended that I didn’t see it and climbed on the back of the bike with him.

He definitely felt a whole lot different than my family when I snuggled up against his back.

For instance, I didn’t particularly care that my skirt was so hiked up that it was practically around my waist.

I also didn’t have a problem with plastering myself to his back.

I wrapped my arms around him, shivering a little at the sensation of being so close to him.

He pressed his hand to the outside of my thigh as he said, “Hold on.”

I was holding on.

There was no way in hell I was ever letting him go.

At least not until he made me, anyway.

I was pleasantly toasty and excited until we reached thirty miles an hour, then I realized how cool it’d gotten as the sun went down.

Within a minute and a half, my lack of clothing was being cursed.

Within two and a half minutes, I was so cold that I wanted to burrow into Haggard’s back and not look up again.

Noticing my shivering, he tried to bring my hand into one of his and help, but it only served to make me shiver more, seeing as only half of my hands ended up being warm while the other half froze.

When he realized that wasn’t working, he broke down and did something even better. He pressed my hands into his abs and covered them with his big one.

At least, he tried to until the twists and turns made it almost impossible not to hold on to both handlebars.

Finally, he did the unthinkable.

He lifted his shirt and guided my hands underneath his shirt, placing my hands flat against his abs.

His blazing hot, hard, oh my God I was touching Haggard freakin’ Crow’s abs!

But, sadly, even that didn’t help after a few long seconds.

Upon realizing I was still cold, he started to put his arms along my thighs at the stop lights, covering me from hip to my upper shin each time we were stopped.

I’d warm up, only to freeze right back into a popsicle when he’d start going again.

Luckily, though, he alternated in between holding his hand on my leg and steering his bike.

By the time we arrived at my house fifteen long minutes later, I was quite literally a Slushie on the verge of freezing solid and didn’t seem to have the same problem with leaving him as I thought I would.

I popped off the bike and waved at him, shivering lightly.

“Thank you so much, but I’m about to go die inside under my comforter,” I blurted.

I could feel his eyes on me as I went, and I mourned the way his big body felt against mine.

But upon diving under my comforter like I’d said I would, I realized that I liked being warm almost as much as I liked being wrapped around him.

Then, with my phone in my hand, I fell asleep smiling, thinking about the man that did weird things to my heart.


I don’t know how to act my age. I’ve never been this age before.

-Sophia to Haggard


I was at yet another club party, this time with my dad.

At least, I’d intended to be with my dad.

Only, upon arriving, something he’d forgotten at home had become important enough for him to turn right back around and leave, making me end up walking into a biker party all by my lonesome.

I texted Clem the moment I walked through the gates of the compound that the Crows hosted all their parties at, only for her to text me back five seconds later, telling me she wouldn’t be there.

She had a raging case of food poisoning.

Resigned to sit by myself, I walked into the party looking for a familiar face, and not finding a single one.

A familiar face ended up finding me eventually, though, and making my insides feel all soft and gooey.

“Hey,” the deep, raspy voice said from behind me. “You by yourself?”

I looked over my shoulder at Haggard and shrugged, offering him a smile that didn’t reach my eyes.

“My dad is being really shifty lately,” I admitted. “Case in point, we arrived here, only for him to open the door to his truck and kick me out, saying he’d be back ‘in a bit’ because he forgot something at home.”

Haggard rolled his eyes and gestured to the beer. “Want something to drink?”

I should say no.

Beer and I didn’t get along well.


Because I turned into a whore when I drank beer.

And not your normal type of whore, either.

The type of whore where I couldn’t stop talking about Haggard. Thinking about him. Wanting to touch him.

That kind of whore.

The kind of whore that I couldn’t be at a club party where every single woman in attendance, and even some of the married ones, had their eyes exclusively on the Crow men.