That’s when I saw the razor.

I saw it every day, and it made my heart ache.

But tonight…

It was too much.

I broke down and started to silently cry.

At least, I thought it was silent.

I would be proved wrong when the bathroom door opened, and a shirtless Haggard came walking through.

He took one look at me, collapsed on the floor and pulled me up into his arms as if I wasn’t a hundred and fifty pounds.

He caught me up and pulled me out of the bathroom, heading to the bed with me.

I buried my face into his chest and cried as he held me in his arms on the bed.

And before long, I’d cried so long and hard that I fell into an exhausted sleep.

In the man of my dreams’ arms.


I have a fear of speed bumps. But I’m slowly getting over it.

-Text from Sophia to Clem


Sexual tension was a thing.

After that night of spending it in Haggard’s arms, and in the same bed for the second time, there was this underlying feeling of tension that I just couldn’t ignore.

Each passing day was just yet another lesson in control.

It was on one of these such days that I realized something.

He felt it, too.

After catching him staring at me across the crowded bar—we were at a place called Tiddies, a bar and restaurant—with his motorcycle club, his sister, his sister’s new husband, and their parents.

Clem was sitting on one side of me, and Boston on the other.

While Haggard was across the table from me, his head turned to speak with his brother, Shine.

I stretched out my leg and encountered his legs.

My natural instinct was to pull backward and keep my legs on my side of the table.

But something told me not to.

Something held me steady exactly where I was at. His leg pressed against mine.

He didn’t move his, and I didn’t move mine.

In fact, I was so infatuated with the way his leg felt against mine that at first I didn’t notice the silence at the table.

I looked up to see Shine looking at me expectantly. “I’m sorry, what?”

Shine grinned, making my heart stutter. Geez, the man was hot.

Just like his brother.

“Do you mind if we switch places?” He gestured to my seat. “I don’t want to scream across the table at Boz while I ask him something.”

“Permanently, or just for a second?” I asked curiously as I stood.

The second I did, I realized I’d forgotten what I was wearing.

The leather chair I’d been sitting in had slowly pushed my skirt up all evening, revealing a whole lot of creamy thigh and the bottoms of my booty shorts—I always wore shorts underneath my skirts. Today, they were a pair of lips on white tight shorts that covered just enough of my ass to call them shorts.

I loved CrossFit shorts.

I was so glad that I’d been introduced to them when I was sixteen.

Unfortunately, they were a little indecent when you weren’t working out. At least, that was what my father told me all the time.

One would think that he’d be used to seeing girls wearing short shorts, but him owning a gym, and him reconciling his kid wearing revealing clothing, were two separate things.

“Nice shorts,” Clem teased, poking me in the side of my thigh. “What’s the brand?”

I looked down to see that my leather skirt had ridden up so high that you could see the white of my shorts underneath.

I shrugged and pulled it up higher, showing off the ‘FLEO’ tag on the left thigh.

She hummed, and I hadn’t realized I was making a spectacle of myself until I looked up to see almost the entire table, ladies included, staring at my thighs.

“Sorry.” I tugged the skirt down, my eyes automatically moving toward Haggard.

His eyes were on my legs, and I could see his throat working.

Shine laughed and switched places with me, opening up the spot next to Haggard as if it was meant to be.

I scooted behind the chairs that were against the wall—all the men had somehow ended up in the best position with their backs against the wall—meaning that all of them left barely any room to navigate.

Honestly, I wasn’t a size two.

I was a size eight, sometimes a six if I could hack eating good for more than a week—meaning that squeezing my voluptuous backside between the wall and their chairs proved comical.

What wasn’t comical was when everyone moved up or leaned forward except for Haggard, who was looking down at his phone. I was so focused on his phone, my stupid self reading what he was texting to someone, that I didn’t realize that my breasts were about to rub against the back of his neck until they did so.

He stiffened and I saw his finger pause on a single letter, that finger typing out multiple Bs before he stopped.