We step inside the modest house I share with my dad, and I switch on a light, then walk to the kitchen. Grabbing a towel, I open the freezer and load some ice into it.

Turning around, the sight of Eli Jackson standing in the middle of my kitchen robs me of my breath. For a moment, I can only stare at him because it feels surreal.

Eli tilts his head slightly, the corner of his mouth lifting. “What’s that look for?”

I shake my head and gesture at the table. “It’s nothing.”

I sit down, then watch as Eli pulls a chair closer to me before taking a seat. He glances down at the redness on his knuckles. “It’s really nothing. It will be gone by tomorrow.”

I reach out to him but then hesitate. It takes more courage than I thought I had to wrap my fingers around his palm. Instantly a spark shoots up my arm, making my body shudder from how good it feels to touch him.

Gently, I press the towel to the back of his hand.

“Is that okay?” I ask.

“Hmm.” The sound comes from deep in his throat, sending goosebumps rushing over my skin.

At this rate, I’m going to pass out from all the overwhelming feelings.

Eli glances around the kitchen, then asks, “Your dad travels a lot, right?”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “The life of a truck driver.”

His eyes lock on mine, and the intensity makes me squirm in my chair.

“Are you okay alone?”

I lower my eyes to his hand, taking in how much bigger than mine it is. “Yeah, sometimes I stay with Katie and her family, but I’m okay alone.” I glance around the kitchen. “I like it.”

Silence falls between us, and it begins to feel intimate. I dare a glance up at Eli’s face, and I’m immediately lost in the soft blue of his irises.

I don’t even realize we’re staring at each other until Eli lifts his left hand, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. It feels as if something is shifting between us, but before I can try to figure out if it’s real or just my imagination, my phone starts to ring.

I’m so caught up in Eli, I startle and almost drop the towel. Setting it on the table, I reach for my bag and pull my phone out.

“It’s my dad. He’s checking in.”

“Take the call,” Eli says, his eyes not leaving me.

I get up from the chair as I press the device to my ear. “Hi, Daddy.”

“Hey, my girl,” he says, sounding tired. “How was your day?”

“Good. I just got home.”

“Yeah? Did you go out with Katie?”

“Yes.” My eyes dart to Eli, and not able to keep things from my dad, I add, “But… ah… Eli brought me home.”

“Eli Jackson? Why?”

“There was a fight at the bar, and he was kind enough to make sure I got home safely,” I quickly explain.

Dad lets out a relieved breath. “Oh, good. Thank him for me.”

“I will.” Needing to change the subject, I ask, “How’s work?”

“I’m held up in Utah for two days.”

My shoulders slump, “Which means you’ll be gone longer.”

“Sorry, my girl.”

I shake my head. “It’s okay, Daddy.” I glance at Eli, then say, “Uhm, Eli’s still here. I’ll call you tomorrow?”

“Don’t let him stay too long,” Dad warns me, being overprotective.


I end the call then give Eli an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

He shakes his head as he stands up. “No worries.” He gestures to the door. “I should head home.”

I nod and walk him to the front door. Eli stops to inspect the lock, then he says, “I’ll stop by tomorrow with a new lock.”

“Oh no,” I exclaim. “It still works. My dad will take care of it. I don’t want to put you out.”

“I offered.” Eli lifts his hand, and then his fingers wrap around the side of my neck, and I’m pulled into a hug that ends before my heart can even start to hammer in my chest. “I’ll fix it tomorrow,” Eli says, his tone clearly stating it’s not open for discussion.

I nod. “Thank you.”

“Lock behind me,” he murmurs, his eyes drifting over my face.

I nod again before saying, “Thank you for everything today.”

“You’re welcome.” Eli steps out onto the porch, then he gestures at the door. “I’ll wait until you lock the door.”

A shy smile tugs at my mouth as I begin to slowly push the door shut. “Drive safely.”

“G’night, Quinn.”

“Bye,” I whisper. I lock the door then stare at it as I listen to Eli’s footsteps walking away. I keep standing on the spot until I hear his truck drive off, and then I turn around and lean back, a wide smile blooming on my face.

Tomorrow I’ll see Eli again.


After I’ve closed the hardware store, I cross the road to The Green Leaf.

The bell jingles as I step inside, and Quinn glances over her shoulder from where she’s standing behind the counter.