Dad’s eyebrows dart up, then he lets out a relieved sigh. “Wow. Okay.” He stares at me for a moment. “You’re ready?”

I nod. “Yes. I want to marry Quinn. Soon.”

“How soon are we talking?”

I shrug. “How long does it take to plan a wedding?”

He lets out a burst of laughter. “Hell if I know.”

“How long did it take to plan your wedding?”

Dad pauses. “It’s too long ago to remember.”

He never forgets anything, and it has me frowning, which has him rising from the chair.

“Walk with me.”

Getting up, we head outside and toward the beach.

After a while, Dad says, “We never officially got married.”

My eyes snap to his. “What?” Grabbing hold of his arm, I pull him to a stop. “But… Mom’s last name’s Jackson.”

He takes a deep breath. “For the family’s safety, I can’t tell you everything.”

Worry begins to spin in my stomach.

“Alex and Nina Jackson weren’t always our names. They’re identities I created for us.”

“Dad,” I breathe.

“I can’t tell you who we were and why I changed our names. All that matters is what we have now, the life we’ve built for ourselves.”

Understanding, I nod. “But, why not make it official?”

Dad chuckles. “Everyone already thinks we’re married.”

“Do it under the pretense of renewing your vows.”

He stares at me for a moment. “That’s actually an excellent idea.” Placing his hand on my arm, he nudges me to start walking again. “But let’s talk about you wanting to ask Quinn to marry you. Have you asked Josh for his blessing?”

“No. I wanted to talk to you first.” We come to a stop on the beach and stare out over the ocean. “I want to ask her on her birthday.”

“Isn’t that in three weeks?” Dad asks.

“Yeah. Two days before Christmas.”

“The ring?”

I shake my head. “I still have to get it.”

“Have you planned anything?” he chuckles.

I shake my head, giving him a grin. “Kinda flying by the seat of my pants.”

“No shit.” Dad shrugs. “You have to ask Josh for his blessing.” He turns to face me and then locks eyes with me. “You promise him you’ll protect and love his daughter until your last breath.”

I nod.

“And when Josh gives you his blessing, you thank him for the beautiful woman he’s giving to you.”

“I will.”

“Get that done, and for God’s sake, buy a ring. Don’t you dare propose without one.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Of course.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket, and it has Dad asking, “Who are you calling?”

“Josh… to ask for his blessing.” Dad begins to frown, and it has me explaining, “He’ll only be back the day before Quinn’s birthday.”

“Right.” Dad gestures for me to continue.

I bring up my contacts list and select Josh’s number.

He answers after a couple of rings, “Hey, how’s Quinn doing?”

I let out a chuckle. “She’s doing very well. The store’s opening was a huge success. I’m sure she told you.”

“Yeah, I hate that I couldn’t be there.”

“I made a video for you. When you’re back, you can watch it with her.”

“Damn, thanks, son.”

I clear my throat. “There’s something I want to ask you, and I hate doing it over the phone –”

Josh interrupts me, saying, “If you’re going to ask for my blessing, you had it the day I let Quinn move in with you.”

I keep quiet for a moment as his words sink in, then a broad smile stretches over my face. “I still want to ask you.”

Josh’s chuckle comes over the line. “Okay. I’m listening.”

“Mr. Drake,” I start, my heart beating faster even though he already said yes, “I want to marry your amazingly talented and beautiful daughter, and it would mean a lot to me if you gave your blessing.” I clear my throat, then continue, “I promise I’ll always protect her with my life, and I’ll love her with every beat of my heart. But, most importantly, I’ll do my best to be the man she deserves.”

“Damn, son,” Josh chuckles, then he teases me, “If I wasn’t straight, I’d say yes.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “So what do you say? You want to become my father-in-law?”

“I’d be honored, Eli.”

I swallow hard as emotion builds in my chest. “Thank you for Quinn.”

“You’re welcome, son.”

We end the call, and I take a moment to breathe through the emotions.

“If you’re getting choked up from asking Josh, you’re going to cry like a baby when you ask Quinn,” Dad chuckles.

“Right.” Then I grin at him. “Time to go buy a ring.”

Chapter 26


I smile when Finlay gets off the bus. Her guitar hangs over her right shoulder, just the way I remember her. She has an incredible voice and has always loved music.

“Finlay,” I call as I walk closer, a wide smile on my face.

Gosh, I’ve missed her.

“I made it,” she laughs, looking exhausted from the long trip.

I hug my cousin tightly to me, saying, “I’m so glad you’re finally here.”