A sad chuckle drifts over my lips. “Also, I had sex with Eli.” This time a real chuckle escapes me. “Yeah, you can scream, and yes, it was amazing.” I brush my fingers over the blades of grass. “Jason moved to Toronto. Eli says he’s doing okay.”

I take a deep breath, then lift my eyes to the tombstone.

“I love you, Katie.” I take a shuddering breath. “I’m going to be happy and live life to the fullest for both of us.”

Climbing to my feet, I straighten my dress, and then I brush my fingers over the tombstone. “Maybe you can visit me in my dreams again? I’d really like to give you one last hug.”

I suck in a breath of air, my voice hoarse as I whisper, “Bye, Katie.”

Turning around, I walk back to Eli.

He straightens out, opening his arms for me, and then I crash into his chest. Wrapping me in a protective hug, he holds me while I regain control over my grief.

“You okay?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah. Just emotional.”

He presses a kiss on my hair, then says, “It’s pretty by Katie’s grave.”

Pulling back, I look to my friend’s final resting place, and only then do I see the tree with daisies growing around the trunk.

A sob sputters from me. “They’re Katie’s favorite.” I point to the daisies.

“I know.”

My eyes snap to Eli’s face.

“Mom planted them after the funeral.”

My chin quivers as my heart fills with warmth because of Nina’s thoughtfulness.

I stare up as Eli and Alex put up the sign for the store.

Katie’s Slice Of Heaven.

“Aww… that’s perfect,” Nina says as she comes up behind me.

I turn to her with a smile, and when she’s next to me, I wrap my arm around her waist, giving her a sideways hug. “Thank you, Nina.”

She gives me a confused smile. “For?”

“Planting the daisies for Katie.”

Her features soften. “I just wanted to do something for her.”

“If she’s looking down on us, I’m sure she loves them.”

“All done,” Alex says. He and Eli climb down their ladders, and then the four of us stare up at the sign.

“Ready for tomorrow?” Nina asks.

I gesture at the store. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“I’ll be here to help manage the counter because I’m sure the whole town will come to show their support.” Nina tugs me into the store, then she points at a dark purple cupcake with stars sprinkled over it. “I’ll have that one.”

I walk around the counter, and picking up one of the boxes, I place the cupcake carefully in it.

When I glance up, Nina’s holding six dollars out to me. “I wanted to be your first customer.”

Letting out a burst of laughter, I take the money and hand her the box. “I hope you enjoy it. Please come again.”

I put the money away, and then Nina takes a big bite of her cupcake. She groans, making Alex's eyes snap to her.

Eli pats his dad on the back. “Easy there, Dad, you’re in a public place.”

Nina almost chokes as she swallows the bite down, and soon laughter fills Katie’s Slice Of Heaven.

The ringtone from my phone draws my attention and picking the device up from where I left it on the counter, I see it’s Finlay calling.

“Hi,” I answer.

“The house sold!” she shrieks happily in my ear.

“Really? That’s the best news,” I say. “When are you coming?”

“Oh, another two weeks. I have to put Dad’s stuff in storage and clean the place.”

“Still, you’ll be here in two weeks.” I’m so happy she’s finally coming. “I can’t wait. You need to see how beautiful the bakery turned out.”

“Send me photos. The opening’s tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, I’m a little nervous, but I’m sure it will go well.”

“Don’t worry if business is slow. I’ll eat all your cupcakes once I’m there,” she teases.

“I can’t wait.”

“Me too.”

“Let me know what day you’re coming so I can pick you up from the bus stop.”

“Okay. Talk to you soon.”

We end the call, then I grin at Eli and his parents. “Finlay’s coming in two weeks.”

“Finally,” Eli says. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You’ll love her. We could’ve been twins if we didn’t have different fathers… and if she weren’t two years younger than me.”

Alex frowns at me. “I’m not sure Southport can handle two of you.”

“Why?” the word pops from me, my eyebrows shooting up.

“All that sweetness and the bakery…” then he gives me a playful grin. “Just kidding.”

“Dang, you had me there for a second,” I chuckle.


Walking into my parents’ kitchen, I call out, “Dad?”

“Yeah?” he answers as he comes into the kitchen.

“Do you have a couple of minutes?”

“Sure. What’s up?” he asks as he gestures at the table.

We sit down, and I rest my elbows on the table, giving him an anxious look.

His features instantly tighten with worry. “Eli?”

“I want to ask Quinn to marry me.”