“Oh, hush. We’re not going to talk about depressing things. I’m here right now, and that’s all that matters.”

“I don’t want to wake up.”

“You have to, Quinn,” she says as she pushes me back. Her eyes, always dancing with laughter, lock on mine. “You have to go back for your dad, for Eli. You have to live for both of us.”

“How? How do I live without you?”

“Easy. You wake up and just do it.”

I shake my head. “I can’t.”

“You can,” she insists. “Because if you give up, we both die, and there won’t be anyone to remember me.”

Katie begins to fade, her voice echoing around me as she says, “Live for both of us.”

Chapter 14


After work, I stop at the Sheriff’s department. When Harry sees me, he shakes his head, already knowing why I’m here.

“There are no new leads, Eli. I said I’d call if we learned something new.”

“No matches on the evidence?” I ask. They got a semen sample from Katie, and horror set aside, I was hoping it would tell us the identity of one of the guys, at least.

“Nothing yet,” Harry replies. “All we know is they’re from out of town. The sketches we got from Jason, you, and Quinn don’t match anything on the database.”


“So… that’s it?” It kills me knowing the bastards are still out there.

“We’re doing everything we can, Eli. We all want to see them behind bars.”

I let out a sigh, nodding. “Thanks, Harry.”

Leaving the sheriff’s station, I head to my truck feeling frustrated as fuck.

During the drive home, my thoughts turn to Jason. He left two weeks ago and only called to let me know he made it to Toronto.

When I park the truck beneath the oak tree, I pull my phone out and dial Jason’s number.

“Hey,” he answers, his voice sounding as empty as Quinn’s.

“It’s been a while. How are you holding up?” I ask as I push the door open.

“There are good and bad days. I started working with my uncle at the butchery.”

“That’s good. Hopefully, the work will help,” I say, glad to hear he’s settling in that side.

“Any news?” he asks, and I know what he’s referring to.

“Nothing yet,” I sigh. “I just stopped at the sheriff’s department.”

Jason lets out a heavy sigh. “Let me know if you hear anything.”

“I will.” I take the steps to the porch. “I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you. We miss you at the bar.”

“Thanks,” he murmurs.

“I’ll be in touch.”


We end the call as I open the front door, and then a sweet aroma hits me as I step into the house. I follow the scent to the kitchen, where I find my mother and Quinn.

Mom’s got a streak of flour across her cheek, and Quinn’s wiping it off with a paper towel.

“Something smells good,” I say as I move closer to press a kiss to the side of Quinn’s head.

Our love life has taken a back seat to everything that’s happened, and it’s taking a lot out of me. But Quinn’s nowhere near ready to resume dating. She’s struggling to keep it together without the added pressure.

“Quinn’s teaching me how to make cupcakes.” Mom gestures to a burned batch. “I tried to tell her I’m awful in the kitchen.”

I let out a chuckle as I look at the black cupcakes. “I can use these for target practice.”

Quinn wraps her arm around Mom. “Don’t be mean, Eli. The second batch was much better.”

I glance around the kitchen. “Where are they?”

“We ate them all,” Mom says, and then she gives me a proud look. “Quinn loved my cupcakes.”

Smoke begins to trickle from the over, and Mom darts forward. “Nooo! Just look what you did, Eli.”

“Me?” I slap a hand to my chest. “I just got home. How’s this my fault?”

Quinn chuckles as Mom pulls the tray of burned cupcakes from the oven. My head snaps to Quinn, and seeing the smile on her face makes emotion crash through me.

Then her smile fades, and the sorrow creeps back, erasing the sparkle from her eyes.

“Hey,” Dad says as he comes in via the backdoor. He glances at the burned cupcakes. “Looks good, baby.”

Laughter bursts from me, and I glance at Quinn, saying, “That’s my dad trying to stay out of the dog house.”

“Want to order pizza for dinner?” Mom asks. “My treat.”

“Sounds good.”

Dad gestures for me to follow him. “Let’s leave the women to do their thing.”

I follow him to the living room, and seeing the serious look in his eyes, I know he wants to talk about something important.

We sit down, then Dad asks, “How’s Quinn holding up?”

“As good as can be expected,” I mutter.

“Have you heard from Jason?”

I nod. “I called him earlier. He’s settled in.”

Dad leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. For a long time, he just stares down at his hands before he looks at me again.