“She likes it,” I reply, pride shimmering through in my voice.

“She better, seeing as it might be her future home,” Jason jokes.

I glance over my shoulder to make sure the women didn’t hear what he said, then I give my friend a scowl. “Don’t say shit like that. It’s way too soon.”

“You still going to take it slow?” Ethan asks.

Glancing at my brother, I nod. “Yeah, I don’t want to scare her off.”

Dad places his hand on my shoulder, giving me a supportive squeeze, then he nods at the grill. “Let’s get the steaks on the coals.”

Picking up the tongs, I place the steaks on the grill. When the sizzling sound fills the air, I glance over my shoulder again.

Katie’s taken over the conversation, with my mom and Quinn listening. I take a moment to look at the girl who’s quickly wormed her way into my heart.

Seeing as we live in a small town, I’ve always been aware of Quinn, but lately, she’s taken over my thoughts more and more.

She would fit in perfectly with my family.

Quinn glances at me, but she quickly looks away, shifting in her chair.

A hell of a strong protective feeling washes through my chest, catching me off guard.

I want Quinn Drake. More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

My eyes drift to the house, and I try to picture Quinn living here. Her in the kitchen… sitting out on the porch… in my bedroom.

The image of her hair scattered over my pillow while she stares up at me with those big eyes as I sink deep inside her instantly makes me hard.


Clearing my throat, I shake my head and turn my attention back to the steaks.

Dad throws his arm around my shoulders, letting out a chuckle. “Why do I get the feeling it’s going to kill you to take things slow with Quinn?”

A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. “I’ll be okay.”

“She’s a beautiful girl,” Dad says. “Always polite.”

“Yeah.” I glance at my father. “Is that your way of telling me you approve?”

He chuckles as he nods. “Yeah, I approve.”

Patting me on the back, Dad walks to where the women are sitting and presses a kiss to the top of Mom’s head.

Growing up, I’ve had the perfect example of what a relationship should be like.

I want what my parents have.

Looking at Quinn again, it feels like she might be the right girl – the kind that crosses your path once in a lifetime.

Chapter 5


Katie and Jason are celebrating their one-month anniversary of being an official couple with drinks at the bar.

Katie always celebrates everything. It’s one of the things I love about her. Sitting next to my friend, my gaze drifts over her face. “You look so happy.”

She gives me a wide smile. “That’s because I am.”

Eli comes into the bar and takes a seat on the open stool next to me. I’ve become more comfortable around him as we’ve settled into a friendship.

Although I’m happy that we’re friends, I can’t keep my feelings for him growing stronger. I thought friendship would be enough, but I was wrong. I can’t help wanting more, and it’s frustrating as hell.

He’s taken it upon himself to fix things around the house, and when Dad was home, he was so thankful for the help. So now I no longer try to stop Eli when he wants to fix something. Also, I get to spend time with him whenever he comes over.

“Hi,” I say, giving Eli a smile. “The store looked busy today.”

He nods, his body facing me with his left arm resting on the counter. “Everyone’s getting things ready for the Fourth of July celebration.”

The blue shirt he’s wearing brings out the color of his eyes, and the fabric pulls tight over his chest.


Taking a deep breath, I say, “We’ll have a float in the parade.”

“Yeah? Need help building it?”

I nod. “I was hoping you’d offer. I was thinking something plain with styrofoam so we can cover it with flowers?”

“It should be easy enough,” Eli says.

I nudge Katie, who’s been staring at Jason. When she glances at me, I tell her, “Eli said he’d help with the float.”

“Oh, great.” She shoots Eli a grin. “Thank you.”

Jason sets a beer down in front of Eli, then asks, “We’re building a float?”

“We?” Eli chuckles. “You mean me. You usually just sit and give orders.”

“I’m good at delegating work,” Jason jokes. “And I bring the drinks.”

Eli raises his beer to Jason before taking a sip. I watch as his throat works the liquid down, and then I swallow hard.

Gosh, I wish he liked me the way I like him.

The past month there have been moments where it felt like Eli likes me more than as a friend. He’d stare at me or touch me in some way… but nothing’s come of it, and I’m starting to think it’s all just wishful thinking.