“Happy Birthday, Quinn,” he says.

“This is the best gift ever,” I grin at him. “I can’t remember when we were last all together.”

Turning to the Jackson’s, I introduce Uncle David to them, and when we sit down again, a happy sensation spreads through my heart.

The conversation flows as Dad catches up with Uncle David. Ethan and Alex are grilling burgers and steaks, and Nina’s on my left, a content smile tugging at her lips.

It’s only then I realize Eli’s not outside with us.

Just as I get up, Ethan says, “We should play some music.”

He connects his phone to a portable speaker, and then a familiar song starts to fill the air.

My lips curve up. “That’s my and Eli’s song,” I tell Ethan. “Good choice.”

I turn to go look for Eli and then stop dead in my tracks.

Oh. My. God.

Eli’s on one knee, looking at me with all the love in the world.

Everyone’s instantly quiet, only the song playing.

My throat closes up, my eyes start to burn, and a tremble ripples through my body as emotions build in my chest.

Eli opens his right hand, and the moment I see the ring, my hands fly up to cover my mouth as a sob bursts from me.

The song ends, then Eli says, “When I’m with you, it feels like I’m home, where I belong.”

I start to nod even though he hasn’t asked the question.

Eli lets out a chuckle. “Quinn, I want to be the only man you kiss, the only one you love.” He takes a deep breath. “I want to make all your dreams come true, and when we’re old, I’ll give you your wish.”

I’m still nodding, unable to stop, my attention solely focused on Eli.

He rises to his feet, and lifting a hand to my cheek, there’s so much emotion on his face, it makes a tear spiral down my face.

Moving in close to me until it feels like it’s just us, Eli says, “There’s no one I love more than you, Quinn. I promise to always protect you. To cherish you. To appreciate you.”

Moving my hands from where they’re still covering my mouth, I place them against Eli’s chest.

“Marry me, Quinn.”

“Okay,” I breathe, and then I don’t care that we’re surrounded by family. Pushing up on my toes, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss Eli with all the love in my heart.

Cheers explode around us, and Eli grins against my mouth. “Yeah? You going to wear my ring, baby?”

I nod quickly, then hold my left hand out to him. He slips a beautiful diamond onto my ring finger, and then I jump into his arms, laughter bubbling from me.

It hits hard… Eli just asked me to marry him.

A sob bursts from me, and I bury my face against him. His arms tighten around me, and I’ve never felt more loved than I do at this moment.

“Happy Birthday, baby.”

“Best gift ever,” I say through tears.

“I thought I was the best gift ever,” Uncle David playfully grumbles.

I pull back from Eli with a sputter of laughter, wiping the tears from my face.

One by one, our loved ones congratulate us, and when I hug Nina, she says, “When you’re comfortable with it, I’d like for you to call me Mom.” She pulls back, tucking some hair behind my ear. “I’ve always wanted a daughter.”

I have to fight hard against the urge to cry. “I always wanted a mother.”

Nina’s chin quivers, and it snaps my fragile control. We hug again while taking a moment to ride our way through the overwhelming emotions.

“I love you, Mom,” I whisper.

“My heart,” she sobs. “You’re going to make me ugly cry.”

I laugh through my tears, then she says, “Love you, Quinn.”

“Don’t I get a hug?” Ethan asks. “Wouldn’t mind one of those I love yous either.”

“Don’t push your luck,” Eli warns him.

My cheeks are starting to hurt from all the smiling as I give Ethan a hug. He wraps me up in his arms, then he whispers, “How long do you think Eli will let me hold you before he smacks me upside the head?”

Suddenly Ethan whirls me around, and I’m pushed into Eli’s arms as he darts away with a burst of laughter.

When I glance up at Eli, he asks, “Happy baby?”

I nod as I rest my cheek against his chest. “Happiest day of my life.”



Two years later…

Staring at Katie, my heart is impossibly full.

“Hey, Mrs. Jackson,” she teases me, a sparkle in her eye. “Missed me?”

“So much,” I whisper.

Katie leans forward and places her hand on my baby bump. A soft smile curves her lips. “You’re going to be the best mom.”

I rest my hand over hers, soaking in the warmth from her skin.

Lifting my eyes to hers, I admit, “I thought I’d never see you again.”

Katie sits back, shrugging, “You’re having your first baby. I had to make one last appearance.”