“Fuck, baby,” I groan, my muscles straining as my pleasure starts to build.

Her body tenses, and her lips part. I crush her mouth beneath mine, in time to swallow her cry as her orgasm sweeps through her, making her convulse beneath me.

Feeling her pussy clench around my cock, ecstasy pulses through me as I empty myself.

When we both come down from our pleasure, I kiss her deeply, my heart expanding to the point of almost bursting with love for the woman beneath me.

Breaking the kiss, my eyes find hers, and then I tease her, “You’re really getting good at this.”

She lets out a chuckle making me slip out of her. “I have a good teacher.”

“Yeah?” I ask as I roll onto my back.

“An impressive one,” she says, her tone playful.

Getting up, I walk to the bathroom to dispose of the condom, then I head back to bed and crawl under the sheet with Quinn.

She snuggles against my side, resting her cheek on my chest.

“What do you think of Finlay?”

I shake my head. “Not a topic I want to discuss right after I was deep inside you.”

Chuckling, she whispers, “Sorry.” Then she glances up at me. “But I’m curious.”

My chest vibrates as I let out a burst of silent laughter. “She seems okay. A bit on the quiet side.”

“She’ll open up when she gets to know you better,” Quinn says. “Like I did.”

“It’s important to you that we get along.”

She nods. “Yeah.”

“I’ll do my best to make her feel at home,” I assure Quinn. Tightening my arms around her, I add, “Anything to make my woman happy.”

She starts to draw random patterns on my chest, then lets out a contented sigh. “You make me unbelievably happy, Eli.”

Reaching over to the bedside table, I switch off the lamp. I turn onto my side, holding Quinn against my chest as I take a deep breath of her hair.

“If you could have one wish, what would it be?” I ask.

“Just one wish?”

I nod. “Yeah, just one.”

Quinn doesn’t hesitate to answer, “A kiss.”

Frowning, I ask, “Why a kiss?”

“Not just any kiss, Eli.” She burrows deeper against my chest. “One day, when I’m old and wrinkly, I want a kiss from you.”

“Why then?”

“It will mean we grew old together, and that’s all I want.”

Her answer hits me right in the heart, and then a broad smile spreads over my face.

“I’ll see what I can do to make your wish come true.”

Chapter 27


Opening the oven, I pull a tray of mini cakes out. The cupcakes are such a hit that I’m trying to add more of a variety.

The bell at the door jingles, then I hear Finlay greeting a customer, “Morning.”

Recognizing the voice, I set the tray down before turning to Mrs. Chapel, who I know from experience, can be challenging to deal with.

She gives us an overly sweet smile. “I want to place a private order.”

“Sure,” I say, and walking closer, I swipe the notepad up.

“It’s Maddy’s bachelorette next Saturday. Can you make cupcakes with little penises on them.”

My lips twitch, and I bite back the laughter. “Ah… I can try. How many do you need?”

“Two dozen.”

“When will you collect them?”

“Saturday morning.”

I nod as I write the order down. “Can you give me a contact number?”

Mrs. Chapel recites the number, then she gives us her overly sweet smile again. “Thanks, girls.”

When she walks out of the store, Finlay glances at me. “Your first order of penis cupcakes?”

I begin to laugh. “Should be interesting.”

“I bet,” she mutters.

I walk back to my tiny kitchen at the side of the store and add glitter to the stars I made from icing.

“Want to go look at a couple of places after work?” I ask.

“Yeah. Sure.” Finlay’s quiet for a moment, then she asks, “Do you think there’s anything near the beach?”

“We can check. Ethan got a house right on the beach. He’s been working his butt off, though. The place was one storm away from falling apart.”

“Yeah, anything but that. I can’t even fix a plug.”

“Eli’s really good at things like that. Ethan and Alex as well. I’m sure they’ll help if you need something fixed.”

“I’d rather get a place that doesn’t need any work,” Finlay says.

I glance over my shoulder and see that she’s staring down at her hands, her shoulders slumped.

“Everything okay?”

Her eyes dart to me. “Yeah. Of course.” When I keep looking at her, she adds, “You know me. I’m just adjusting to the new environment.”

“Okay,” I murmur, turning my attention back to my work.

More customers trickle into the store throughout the day, and by the time we get to close the door, I’m dead on my feet.

Finlay stretches her body, letting out a groan. “God, who knew selling cupcakes would be so tiring.”


Taking off my apron, I hang it on a hook, then I check that everything is switched off. “Ready to go house hunting?”