Chapter 21


Standing in the store that used to be The Green Leaf, my heart squeezes painfully. Even though it’s empty, I remember exactly where everything was.

I can almost hear Katie’s laughter.

I can almost feel her next to me.

A wave of sorrow washes over me, and I swallow hard, so I don’t start crying.

Eli places his hands on my shoulders, his chest pressing against my bake. Then he points at the one wall. “We can set up your kitchen there. You always look so peaceful when you back, I was thinking it should be an open kitchen so the customers can see you at work.”

I nod, the image of the bakery starting to take shape in my mind.

“And the display counter can go here.”

“Yeah. I can put up shelves for you.”

Turning in his arms, I stare up at his striking blue eyes. “Thank you, Eli.”

“For what?”

“For giving me a dream.”

His lips curve up, then he glances around the empty space. “It’s going to look amazing when we’re done.”

Turning around again, I lean back against Eli’s chest. He wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head. “I was thinking of having different themes for the cupcakes. Fairytale. Avengers. Flowers.”

“Tools,” Eli adds with a chuckle. “To match the hardware store.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Those would be so cute.” I grin, enjoying as we dream together about the future. “I can make mini cupcakes. Maybe give them a galaxy theme.”

“I bet those would sell fast,” Eli says. “How do you feel about putting up two tables and selling coffee?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I try to picture it, then shake my head. “I want to focus on baking. Maybe at a later stage?”

“Okay,” he murmurs.

My phone starts to ring, and I pull it out of my pocket. Seeing Finlay’s name, a smile tugs at my mouth as I answer, “Hey, how are you?”

“Good. How are you holding up?” my cousin asks.

“Better,” I murmur. “Any news on when you’re moving here?”

“Dad’s put the house up for sale. As soon as it sells, I’m packing.”

“I hope it sells quickly. I can’t wait to have you here.”

“That makes two of us,” Finlay chuckles.

“Dad said he’d give me some money to tide me over until I can find a job.”

“Well… I’m opening a bakery. If things go well, you can always work with me.”

“Really? You’re opening your own store?” Finlay gasps.

“Yeah.” Just then, it hits me how much I’ve missed having a friend, and it has me adding, “I can’t wait for you to come here.”

“I’ve already started packing. I’m so over Naperville.”

“Hopefully, you’ll be on my doorstep soon.”

“With a little luck... ugh… I got to go, there’s a customer.”

“Talk to you soon.”

When I end the call, Eli says, “That sounded promising.”

“Yeah.” I tuck the phone back in my pocket and turn to face Eli. “Their house is up for sale.”

“Will Finlay stay with us?”

I pause to think. “Maybe for a week or so… if you’re okay with it. She’ll probably move in with Dad.” I shrug. “She might find her own place.”

“Of course, Finlay can stay with us,” Eli assures me. “As long as she needs to.”

Staring up at him, a loving smile curves my lips. “How did I get so lucky?”

Grinning, he takes hold of my hips, tugging me against him. “I’m the lucky one, babe.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips.

Letting go of me, Eli says, “Come on, let’s get to work.” He takes a measuring tape out while I pick up the notebook and pencil, and then he starts to measure the space where the shelves will be.

I write down the numbers as he calls them out.

“Is Finlay your only cousin?” he asks.

“No, I have another one in Texas. She’s from my mother’s side, so I don’t have much contact with her.”

Eli’s eyes dart to me. “Your mom died when you were young, right?”

I nod. “When I was a baby, so I never knew her.”

“Well, your dad’s done a great job of raising you by himself.”

A grin spreads over my face. “Yeah, he’s the best. When I turned thirteen, he even took me on my first date to show me how a boy should treat me.”

Eli chuckles. “Damn, I hope I’m living up to the standard he set.”

“Trust me, you’ve blown those standards out of the water.” Writing a couple of ideas down on the notepad, I ask, “Do you have any cousins?”

Eli shakes his head. “Nah, it’s just us.”

“I love how close your family is,” I mention.

Eli comes to crouch in front of me where I’m sitting with my legs crossed. Lifting a hand to my face, he brushes a couple of strands behind my ear. “You’re a part of that family.”

My lips curve up in a warm smile as I stare deep into his eyes. “I wish you could look into my heart to see how much I love you.”