“Call the sheriff. I’m seconds away from the Conleys’ place,” I say while it feels like the very blood is draining from my body, being replaced by dread.

“Eli!” Dad hollers. “You fucking wait for me!”

Knowing Dad won’t understand, I end the call, and then I turn the steering wheel hard, sending the truck shooting over the front yard before stopping right in front of the porch.

I grab the tires’ lug wrench from behind my seat and rush to climb out of the truck. When I try the front door, and it opens, I hold the wrench ready as I cautiously step inside.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for the gruesome sight as my eyes scan over the kitchen and living room.

Christ Almighty.

Horror crashes through me like a tidal wave, and it takes more strength than I have to remain on guard as I hurry to where Katie’s lying. Her eyes are wide open, frozen and empty, with blood seeping across the right side of her face.

God, no!



No. Fuck no.

Not able to handle her lifeless stare, I brush my fingers over her eyes, closing them.

I’m so sorry, Katie.

I see Mr. Conley lying by the garage door, beaten so badly, his face is nothing but a bloody mess. I find Mrs. Conley with a gunshot wound to her chest, and when I check for a pulse, I don’t find anything.

There’s no sign of Quinn.

Christ. Where are you, baby?

Blood by the stairs catches my eye, and as I head up to the second floor, following the trail of drops, it feels as if my heart stops, suspended in absolute terror.

I’m not ready for what I’ll find.

I won’t be able to deal with it.

Please, God.

Not Quinn.

Glancing into the first bedroom, my heart sinks into a black hole when I see Quinn lying on her side next to bed. She’s facing me, her skin deathly pale, her blood staining the carpet.

“Quinn!” It all takes a split second, and then I’m dropping down next to her. “No. No. No. God, Quinn.”

I somehow think to check for a pulse, and when I feel a faint thump, intense relief spurs me into action. I check if Quinn’s breathing, and feeling the warm air fluttering in short bursts from her, I scoop my arms beneath her and lift her to my chest as I climb to my feet. The cream shirt she’s wearing has so much blood stained into the fabric, the sight’s unbearable. Drops are splattered over her neck and cheek, and blood has already started to dry in her hair.

“Hold on, baby. I’ve got you.” My voice sounds distant as I hurry out of the room, and when I come down the stairs, Dad bursts into the house, a gun in his right hand.

“Motherfucking Christ,” he exclaims when he sees the Conleys’ bodies.

“Hospital,” I manage to get the single word out as I hurry toward him.

“Emergency services are coming. Put her down so I can see how bad it is,” Dad orders.

I lay Quinn on the floor, then Dad says, “Place your hand here. Push down hard.”

My hand covers a bloodstain on Quinn’s chest, and I press down on it. Soon the luke-warmth of her blood seeps through my fingers, and I press as hard as I can to slow the flow.”

Dad covers another gunshot wound to Quinn’s right collar bone with his hand while pulling his phone out. He calls someone, then says, “Harry, where the fuck are you? It’s a fucking massacre.”

I can’t hear the sheriff’s reply.

“Is the ambulance coming?” A second later. “Good.”

Dad ends the call, then his eyes lock on mine.

I shake my head as anguish rips through me, unable to process what’s happened in our sleepy town.

What’s happened to Quinn – the beautiful girl that’s stolen all of my heart with her quiet nature.

This is wrong.

So, so very wrong.

How could something like this happen in Southport?

“Take a deep breath,” Dad instructs me. “You’ll have to be stronger than ever for Quinn.”

I shake my head again. “I… I… can’t.”

I can’t fucking process this nightmare.

“Eli!” Dad snaps. My eyes flit back to his. “You’re a Jackson. You have the strength. Dig deep.”

I start to nod as my gaze lowers to Quinn, and seeing how absolutely fragile she looks, sends another surge of adrenaline through my body.

Fight, baby. Fight for me. Just get through this, and then I’ll carry you until you’re able to stand on your own again.

Just don’t give up.

Chapter 10


Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, I watch as Dad’s on a call with Mr. Drake.

Quinn’s father is in Chicago, and by the sounds of things, he’s leaving the truck there and taking the first flight to North Carolina.

Dad ends the call, then comes to sit down next to me. He places an arm around my shoulders.

We sit in silence for a moment, and then Mom rushes into the waiting room with Ethan and Jason right behind her.