“What’s happening Sunday?” Eli asks, and it earns him a scowl from his mom, then he chuckles, “Of course I won’t forget Ethan’s birthday.”

“It’s all fun and games until you give me a heart attack,” she playfully chastises him, then she looks at me. “Will we see you on Sunday, Quinn?”


My eyes dart up to Eli, not wanting to just invite myself.

He gives my hand a squeeze, then answers, “Yeah, I’m bringing Quinn.”


“Can I bring anything?” I ask. “My cobb salad isn’t too bad.”

Nina nods. “Can’t wait to taste it.” She walks back to her car. “See you Sunday.”

We watch as Nina drives off, then Eli gives me a tight hug. “I’ll let you get back to work. See you at five.”

“Okay.” I check the road and then quickly cross it.

The second I step into the store, Katie asks, “What did Nina say? It looked like you were praying for the ground to open up beneath your feet.”

“I was practically melting into her son,” I mutter. “So much for continuing to make a good impression.” I sit down behind the counter and lean my head on Katie’s shoulder. “Comfort me.”

She lets out a chuckle, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. “There, there. Just think, it could’ve been worse.”


“She could’ve seen the two of you lip-locked and playing tonsil hockey.”

“Katie!” I laugh, pulling back.

“See, all better,” she grins at me, proud of a job well done.

“She invited me to Ethan’s birthday on Sunday,” I tell my friend.

“You’ll have fun. Nina’s down to earth. I love her.”

“Yeah,” I agree. Eli’s mom is one of the nicest people I know. Now, his dad is a whole different story. He’s intimidating as hell. Not in a bad way. It just feels as if he can see all your secrets with a mere glance.

“You should take flowers for Nina,” Katie says.

“Good idea. I’ll take a bunch of peonies.”


When we walk into my house, I set the pizza down in the kitchen, then say, “You can pick the movie you want to watch while I wash up.”

“Isn't there something you want to watch?” Quinn asks as she takes plates out of the cupboards.

“Whatever will make you smile.” I’ll sit through every damn romance movie for her if it makes her happy.

Heading upstairs, I rush through the shower and put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Not even ten minutes later, I walk into the living room.

Quinn’s placed the pizza, two bottles of water, and the plates on the coffee table. I glance at the TV, asking, “What are we watching?”

“Ice Age.”

Chuckling, I ask, “Why Ice Age?”

“It’s funny, and I figured it’s a good movie for a couple to watch.”

“I’m okay with watching a romance,” I tell her as I sit down next to her on the couch. “Especially if it will make you cuddle with me.”

“You like cuddling?” Quinn asks as she reaches for a slice of pizza.

I load a couple of slices onto a plate, then settle back against the couch. “I love cuddling.”

“What else do you love?” Quinn asks between bites.

She licks her lips, and it has me saying, “Kissing.” The slice of pizza pauses midway to her mouth, then I ask, “What do you love?”

“All of the above.”

I let out a chuckle, and before I can stop myself, I ask, “When’s the last time you kissed someone?”

Fuck, Eli.

I groan inwardly, then quickly say, “You don’t have to answer that.”

It actually looks like Quinn’s thinking hard, then she answers, “Remember Bradley Williams?”

I nod.

“He’s the last guy I kissed.”

“Didn’t he move away right after school?” I ask.

When Quinn nods, I do the math. “Five years?”

She shrugs as she admits, “You returned from the military, and every other guy just paled in comparison.”

Holy fuck.

My heart begins to beat faster, and then the next question spills over my lips, “You were sixteen… seventeen when Bradley left? Is it safe to assume you didn’t go all the way with him?”

Quinn’s cheeks turn the perfect shade of pink as she nods.

Christ, she’s a virgin.

The possessiveness I’ve felt up until now spirals out of control, making my muscles tense.

“I wanted my first time to be with the right guy,” Quinn says, an awkward expression fluttering over her face.

From everything she’s told me, I think it’s safe to assume I’m that guy.

Quinn’s been waiting for me.

“Nothing wrong with that,” I murmur. “Thank you for telling me.”

Quinn shrugs, then she reaches for the remote. “I’m pressing play before you get me to spill more secrets.”

My right eyebrow darts up. “There’s more?”

Chuckling, she shakes her head at me. “You only get one secret a week.” She picks up her pizza again but then says, “Wait, you owe me two secrets.”

“Hmm… Which two of the million should I tell you?”

Her smile grows. “The biggest two.”

“You sure you can handle it?” I tease her.