Silence descends on the room, and then everyone starts asking questions at once.

“Did you sleep with him?” Izzy wants to know.

“I thought you hated him,” Stasia says.

“It’s about damn time,” Maeve cheers.

“Tell us everything,” Lexi puts in. “Here’s a bloody Mary. We’re not putting too much liquor in them because we all have to work today.”

“I don’t get any in mine,” Maeve says with a pout but then rubs her belly and grins.

“Okay, spill it,” Izzy says as I sit on a stool at the huge island and take a sip of my drink.

“We had sex.”

Every single one of them grins.

“And?” Stasia asks, leaning closer. “Did you…you know?”

“Did she what?” Lexi asks.

“Have an orgasm,” I answer and sip my drink again. “And the answer to that question is hell yes.”

“Wait, you’ve never had an orgasm?” Lexi demands. “What the fuck?”

“Right?” Stasia agrees. “Poor girl needs to get some of that sexual tension out.”

“How was it?” Izzy asks.

“Well, I don’t have any orgasms to compare it to, but it was damn good.” I laugh and reach for a slice of bacon. “He’s really intense in bed. Cam’s so laid-back and calm most of the time, so I was a little surprised by how intense he was. And you’d think, after being with someone so horrible for so long, I wouldn’t like it that Cam’s bossy and grabs my throat and calls me a good girl. But here I am, eating that shit up.”

Stasia chokes on her drink, and the others sputter and start laughing.

“Holy shit, Mags,” Maeve says. “Warn a girl before saying something like that. I haven’t renewed my CPR certification.”

“It’s true! And he, like, made me hold on to the headboard. And I got in trouble—the good kind—if I let go. It was freaking hot.”

“Good stuff, isn’t it?” Lexi says with a knowing smile, and I gape at her.

“Are you telling me that my brother is—?”

“A Dominant?” she finishes. “He wouldn’t say so, but he has particular tastes, that’s for sure.”

“It’s always the quiet ones,” Maeve says as she pours syrup on her waffle. “I know you used to hate it when we called Joey The Lemon, but he so was, Maggie.”

“Oh, he was a lemon in every way,” I instantly agree. “In bed, he was just a robot, you know? I was lucky if it lasted thirty seconds. And as a husband, well, we all know that he was a piece of shit. I mean, I don’t want to speak ill of the dead or anything.”

We all look at each other and then dissolve into laughter again.

“Who am I kidding? Hell, yes, I do. Dead or alive, he deserves it. Because it’s true. So, now I know what all the fuss is about. I’m on the downslope to thirty, and I never had an orgasm before last night. That’s just…sick.”

“You were an abused wife,” Lexi says simply. “With a man who didn’t value you in any way. It makes sense that you didn’t enjoy the sex with him.”

“I mean, he never hit me.”

“Stop right there,” Izzy says, surprising me. “I hate the whole he-never-hit-me excuse. He was mean to you. He said horrible things, and I’ve heard that he even controlled what you ate. That’s abusive. When you had sex, what would he have done if you’d said no?”

All eyes turn to me.

“He got mean if I said no, so I ended up doing it just to shut him up.”

“So, he was a rapist,” Lexi says. “Yeah, he was a lemon.”

“You went from The Lemon to The Cock,” Stasia says with a big grin. “Because, you know, Cam’s last name is Cox.”

“Oh, that’s much better,” Izzy agrees and gives Stasia a high-five. “In our sacred girls-only space, Cameron will now be known as The Cock.”

I giggle and take another sip, then dish up a plate. I’m starving. And I love these girls, my sisters, who make me feel good about myself and make me laugh.

“To amazing sex,” Lexi announces, holding up her glass in a toast. “And to the hot-as-fuck men who make it damn fun.”

“Hear, hear,” Izzy says as we all clink glasses. “Also, I have an announcement.”

“What is it? You’re not pregnant again so soon, are you?” I say with a laugh, but then her smile turns coy, and we all gasp.

“Izzy,” Maeve says. “You’d better not have alcohol in that glass.”

“I don’t,” she says with a laugh. “It’s so soon, I know, but it seems that I’m a fertile Myrtle, and Keegan wants lots of babies. So, here we are.”

“That’s fabulous,” Stasia says and hugs Izzy. “I love that the family has so many new babies.”

“Ma and Da will be beside themselves,” I agree. “Look at us, being adults and everything.”

Stasia smiles softly. “I also have an announcement.”

“If you tell us you’re pregnant, too, we’re going to have to put the alcohol away,” I reply.