“What the hell are you talking about?” he retorts angrily. “I’m her date.”

She shakes her head slightly, and I pat her shoulder with reassurance.

“Let’s go outside for some fresh air,” Hunter suggests as Shawn joins us. “You’re pretty drunk, man. You need to clear your head.”

“Fuck that. This is a bar, isn’t it? I’m here to drink and take this honey home for some fun, if you know what I’m saying.”

Before she can reply, I grab one arm, and Hunter grabs the other as Shawn walks ahead of us to get the door. The asshole flails about, and when we toss him onto the sidewalk, he jumps up and punches me in the gut.

I see red, then come up with my elbow and clip him in the jaw, pinning him against the wall before getting in his face.

“She said no, asshole,” I growl at him. “Now, you can leave on your own, or we can call the cops.”

“Fuck you. What do you care about that stupid cunt? Give me ten minutes with her, and she won’t be saying no for long.”

“Motherfucker,” Hunter says, pacing behind me. “Call them.”

“Already on it,” I hear Shawn say.

“I bet we’ll find date rape drugs in your pocket, won’t we?”

“Fuck you,” he says again as sirens wail in the distance. “Jesus, what the hell? We were just having some fun.”

“No. You weren’t.”

Within minutes, the cops arrive. After talking with the woman and us and finding the drugs I suspected were there, they arrest the asshole and haul him away.

“How did she know about the angel shot?” I ask as I sit on my stool once more. Not everyone knows that if they ask the bartender for an angel shot, it’s code for a jerk is harassing me, and I don’t feel safe.

“Maggie had the flier printed and hung in the bathroom,” Keegan says. “We’ve had one too many girls getting harassed by drunk pricks who don’t know how to take no for an answer.”

“I hate guys like that,” Maggie says with a scowl and then turns her head when she hears the rowdy college crowd let out some hoots and cheers. “I’ll take those kids over that any day.”

She leaves to check on the table in question, and I turn back to Keegan as Hunter sits next to me. “I don’t like how often we have issues in here.”

“It’s part of running an establishment that serves alcohol,” he says reasonably. “And it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it does in the city. Most people just want a pint or two, some food for their bellies, and then they’re on their way.”

But I remember the night that Maggie got punched in the face, and it makes my stomach harden with ice.

Hunter sips his beer and glances over at me. “We love our girls, and we don’t want them working where they might get hurt.”

“Yeah.” I take a drink of my brew. “That about sums it up.”

“Maeve was attacked in one of the homes she was showing,” he says. “It’s not always just because of the pub or the alcohol. People just suck, Cam. But we’ll do everything we can to make sure they’re safe.”

I turn and watch Maggie and Maeve hop up onto the stage to sing. Their pretty voices fill the air in perfect harmony.

“You’ve got that right.”

My gaze flickers over to the redhead who’d ordered the angel shot. She’s finished eating and is watching the sisters sing.

I know who she is. I know exactly who she is. But I can’t tell Maggie or any of the others about her. All I can do is keep my eye on her.

I’ll be damned if she’ll hurt anyone I love.

Chapter 5


I finish singing and stop the video recording, then take a deep breath.

It’s been a good afternoon for bagging content for my social media. I just have to record one more song, and then I’ll have everything I need to edit and schedule a whole week’s worth of posts.

With a rigorous work schedule, I like to have things done in advance so all I have to do is publish the videos on the dates and times I want them to go live.

I’ve got it down to a science.

“Okay, one more song, and then we’re done for this week.” I take a sip of my lemon water, roll my shoulders, and reach out to press record when my doorbell rings.

“Damn. So close!” I wrinkle my nose and consider not answering. All of my siblings are at the pub tonight, and I’m not expecting anyone.

But then curiosity gets the best of me, and I close the bathroom door behind me as I rush to the front door and pull it open.


And just like that, my mouth waters. Standing before me in all his sexy glory is Cameron Cox. He raises an eyebrow, but I take my time and let my gaze wander all over him.