“Yeah, I know.” He watches me for a moment. “You’re really far away.”


“Why is that?”

“Because if I sit over there, I might make a fool of myself. I’m safer over here.”

He licks his lips. “What might you do, if you were over here?”

“I don’t think I have to spell that out for you, Mr. Cox.”

He laughs, and then to my utter surprise, stands up and rounds the ottoman that separates us, picks me up, and returns to the couch to settle me in his lap.


“Okay, I admit, this is pretty comfortable.” I lay my head on his shoulder and loop my arm over his chest. Yawning, I settle in against him. “I could sleep here.”

“Why don’t you go ahead and do that?” He kisses my forehead. “Go to sleep, sweetheart.”

“Your legs will go to sleep, too.” But I yawn once more and feel myself drifting. “If I get too heavy, just move me.”

“Stop worrying so much.” He kisses me again. His voice rough with fatigue, he says, “Trust me, everything is just fine.”

Chapter 4


She wasn’t wrong. At around two in the morning, I had to move us to the bedroom because my legs were, indeed, asleep. But she was resting so peacefully, I didn’t want to wake her. After we settled on the bed, she curled around me, laid her head on my shoulder again, and never even realized that we’d moved.

I hadn’t lied when I told her that I’d had the best night of my life. Nothing beats spending time with Maggie. Making her laugh, having a conversation, and watching her eyes light up as she watched the show was an absolute delight.

When I’m with her, everything in me settles as if she’s my safe place. And after being in a lot of sticky situations all over the globe during my time in the Army and even part of my civilian job, it’s the best feeling in the world to be here with her.

It’s all I’ve wanted for what feels like years, and I’m finally here.

It’s a good thing I’m a patient man.

Maggie sighs and then turns away from me, snuggling down into her pillow.

The girl can sleep. I check the time and just about swallow my tongue.

It’s eight in the damn morning.

I don’t remember the last time I slept this late. But we were up well past midnight, and despite having a gorgeous woman draped over me, I didn’t sleep well. I just wanted to enjoy her. God knows if she’ll have a change of heart later, and I never end up here again.

That would be my damn luck.

I move up behind her and kiss the back of her head. Maggie sighs again and then whispers, “Time is it?”



I laugh and kiss her again. “That’s pretty late for me.”

Maggie wiggles onto her back, rests her hand on my arm where it lays across her belly, and blinks up at me with sleepy eyes. “I usually work until almost three, so I sleep until around eleven. My internal clock is just set that way.”

“Makes sense.” I kiss her forehead. “Go back to sleep.”

“No, it’s okay.” She sighs and then frowns. “How did we end up on the bed? Didn’t I fall asleep in your lap?”

“I carried you in here.”

“You carried me?” She grins and then laughs. “Like, in a romance novel?”

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Hmm. Well, I’m awake now.” Her green eyes flicker down to my lips and then back up to mine. “How did you sleep?”

I don’t answer her. Instead, I lean in and kiss her. I like to tease her lips, brush them softly and elicit light moans from her throat. Her hand drifts up my arm and then dives into my hair as I sink into her, consumed by her sweet sleepiness and soft skin. And when she presses her hips against me and loops a leg over mine, I know there’s no turning back.

“Cam,” she whispers when I push her onto her back and bury my face in her neck. Fuck me, I love the sound of my name on her lips. The way she grips me as if she’s searching for a lifeline.

But just as I slip my hand under her shirt, the doorbell rings.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Maggie growls and pushes her hand through her hair. “If I ignore it, and it’s one of my siblings, they’ll just come inside to look for me.”

I quickly kiss her and then pull away. “You’d better find out who it is, then.”

“I’m going to disown them,” she mutters as she pushes her hair out of her face and stomps across the room. “After I slash all their tires.”

As she leaves the room, my phone pings with a text.

It seems this morning won’t be the first time I make love to Mary Margaret.

Kane: Good morning. I could use some help in my barn. Do you have a few extra minutes?