She watched him approach, taking in just how haggard he appeared. His clothes hung on his thinner frame, and his face had an almost greenish hue to it. Clearly, he hadn’t been taking care of himself recently. “If you’re here to make a plea on her behalf, just turn around. I’m done. I meant it.”

He raised his hands as though surrendering. “I’m not. I’m here to tell you you’re right. She needs professional help. I probably do as well. And I wanted to tell you I’m sorry. For all the pain we’ve caused you over the years, but mostly since your sister passed. I don’t know if I will be able to get your mother help, but I’ve already scheduled an appointment for myself with a mental health professional.”

Wow. She blinked at him, stunned by his words.

“I-I hope one day we can be a family again.”

Part of her wanted to dive into his arms and beg her to tell him everything would be all right. But JP’s voice sounded in her head, telling her she was strong. And that he had her back. Silly since he probably couldn’t stand the thought of her by now, but still, his fictionalized support gave her the strength she needed to say, “I hope so too. Get yourselves the help you need, and maybe we can.”

He nodded at her, sadness etched into the lines on his face. Then the elevator arrived, and she got in without a backward glance. Pride bloomed in her chest, settling next to the heartbreak. She’d done it. Finally taken a strong stand and made her demands known.

If only she had someone to share it with. If only she could call JP right now and tell him the news. Hear him say he was proud of her too.

And he loved her.

If only his strong arms were open and waiting for her.

But they weren’t. All that waited was a lonely apartment thousands of miles away from the man she loved.


JP HANDED THE full sippy cup to Kayla, who practically ripped it from his hands. He’d learned early on not to get between his hungry daughter and her formula. The girl would lay him out flat to get her chubby little fingers on her liquid meal.

She shoved the spout in her mouth and began to guzzle, making these adorable little hums every time she swallowed. He’d miss that sound once she outgrew it. Occasionally, he wondered about the things he’d never get the chance to miss. The things he hadn’t had an opportunity to experience because she’d developed beyond them before coming into his life. When those thoughts popped in his head, he tried not to let them linger. Too depressing.

The formula kept Kayla from squawking in hangry protest as JP grabbed some baby yogurt out of the fridge for her breakfast. Hannah had purchased it for the first time a week or so ago. Of course, Kayla loved it. She wasn’t exactly picky. If it could be consumed, his daughter would eat it.

With a sigh, he stared down at the unopened container of yogurt. Only two days had passed since Hannah left town, but he hadn’t begun to shake the cloud of gloom hanging over his head. At least a hundred times, he’d been tempted to text or call to ask how she was holding up, but he held off. Anger resided in his soul, along with the crushing sense of loss.

When she’d said she was heading to the airport, he’d been stunned. He’d wanted to grab her and shake her until the neurons in her brain aligned, and she agreed to stay away from her parents.

But then she’d left. Left him and left Kayla without thought of anyone but her own flesh and blood. Christ, he was such a fool. Letting his guard down, opening up to her, giving her access to his heart. A shitty childhood had taught him hard life lessons about the futility of romantic relationships and the myth of love. Yet all it had taken was one pair of hypnotic blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile sent his and his daughter’s way for him to forget all he’d learned.

“Your own fucking fault,” he muttered with a shake of his head.

He fetched a baby-sized spoon from the clean dishwasher then turned only to stagger back with a hand to his heart. “Christ, you two scared me.”

Mickie and Ronnie stood behind Kayla’s highchair with their arms folded across their chest and frowns on their faces. As usual, Mickie looked like she stepped right off the cover of a magazine with a designer sundress and coordinated heels even though it was seven in the morning. Ronnie, on the other hand, wore cutoff sweats and a wrinkled Van Halen T-shirt. Kayla stared up at her aunts with a huge grin and milk dribbling down her chin.