Someone was knocking gently on his office door. Marco frowned. He wasn't expecting anyone and he had expressly told his PA not to disturb him. He was still frowning when the door opened and Emily stepped through, smiling at him. It wasn't often that Marco was caught off guard by anything or anyone, but on this occasion...

‘My meeting finished early.’ he could hear Emily saying breezily. So I thought Id come over and see if you were free for lunch?’

When he didn't answer her she closed the office door and came towards him. dropping her voice to a playfully soft tone as she told him. Or maybe we could forget the going-out and the lunch. Remember. Marco, how we used to...What's wrong?' she asked him uncertainly.

Her smile disappeared and Marco recognised that he had left it several seconds too late to respond appropriately to her arrival.

Normally, the fact that his timing was at fault would have been his main concern. But for some reason, he found that, not only was he acutely aware that he had hurt and upset Emily, he was also suppressing an immediate desire to go to her and apologise. Apologise? Him? Marco was astounded by his own uncharacteristic impulse. He never apologised to anyone, for anything.

'Nothing's wrong,' he told her flatly, knowing that something was very wrong indeed for him to have felt like that. It couldn't be that he was feeling guilty, could

it? A traitorous, critical inner voice suddenly challenged, pointing out: After all, you've lied to her and you're about to leave her...

She knew the ground rules. Marco answered it inwardly. That his own conscience should turn on him like this increased his irritation and. man-like, he focused that irritation on Emily, rather than deal with its real cause.

‘Yes there is.’ Emily persisted. ‘You were looking at me as though I'm the last person you want to see.’

'Don't be ridiculous. I just wasn't expecting to see you.' He flicked back the sleeve of his suit—handmade, it fitted him in such a way that its subtle outlining of his superb physique was a whispered suggestion caught only by those who understood. ‘Look. I can't do lunch. I've got an important call coming through any time now and after than I've got an appointment.' That wasn't entirely true, but there was no way he wanted Emily to suggest she wait around for him whilst he spoke with his grandfather. For one thing, he had no idea just how long the call would last and. for another...For another, he wasn't ready yet to tell Emily what she had to be told.

Because he wasn't ready yet to deny himself the pleasure of making love to her. his inner tormentor piped up adding mockingly. Are you sure that you will ever be ready? He dismissed that unwanted thought immediately but its existence increased his ire. ‘Mrs Lawson should have told you that Id said I didn't want to be disturbed.’ he informed Emily curtly.

She heard the impatience in his voice and wished she hadn't bothered coming. Marcos arrogance made him forget sometimes how easily he could hurt her, and she certainly had too much pride to stay here and let him see that pain.

'Mrs Lawson wasn't there when I came in.'

'Not there? She's my PA for heaven's sake. Where the hell is she?'

She'd probably just slipped off to the cloakroom. Marco. It isn't her fault.' Emily pointed out quietly. Look. I'm sorry if this isn't a good time.' She gave a small resigned sigh. I suppose I should have checked with you first before coming over.'

Yes you should have.' Marco agreed grimly. Any minute now the phone was going to ring and if he picked it up she was going to hear his grandfather's most senior aide's voice booming out as he tried to compensate for his own deafness. Is that you Your Highness?' The Comte had never really accustomed himself to the effectiveness of modern communication systems and still thought his voice could only travel down the telephone line if he spoke as loudly as he possibly could.

Emilys eyes widened as she registered Marcos rejection and then she stood still staring blankly at him the colour leaving her face. He was treating her as though she were some casual and not very welcome acquaintance.

'Don't worry about it. I'm sorry I disturbed you.' she managed to say but she could hear the brittle hurt in her own voice. Right now she wanted to be as far away from Marco and his damn office as she could get! She was perilously close to tears and the last thing she wanted was the humiliation of Marco seeing how much he'd wounded her. To her relief, she could hear sounds from the outer office suggesting that his PA had returned, enabling her to use the face-saving fib that she didn't want to have Mrs Lawson coming in to shoo her out. Emily opened the door and left, barely pausing to acknowledge the PA's surprise at seeing her.