They do not want to know what the people who run this world are doing to it. They don’t even wanna know what those people think of them.
That’s all inside baseball, as they say. It’s minutiae. Detailed inner workings that affect almost no one directly, so almost no one cares about it.
But the people who hang out on this chat board are the definition of inside baseball. And these guys on the board—it’s all anonymous. You’re not allowed to have a name on these platforms. You’re no one. Or rather, you are what you post. If you post bullshit, you’re full of shit. If you post new facts, you’re a good digger. But if you can draw straight lines between things across weeks, or months, or better yet, decades? You don’t need a name to get respect. You’ve got rank. For an hour or two, at least.
I’ve toned my participation down a lot over the years. Sometimes I only visit the boards once a month. But when shit happens, I’m on there dozens of times a day trying to put the pieces together just like everyone else.
There was an incident a couple years ago that got a lot of attention on the boards so I made it a point to lurk. The incident was actually the sudden death of hundreds of elites. Billionaires and their entire families suddenly died. Not all the same way. At least, that’s not how it was reported. Some of them suicided. Some of them were in a plane crash, boat crash, weird hiking incident. Others died of an illness. How they died didn’t matter because it was all lies. The point was—they were dead. Entire families just wiped out. The board called this operation the Purge. And it had Company written all over it so I was following every fucking detail back then. Over the years I lost interest in the board, but I kept up my diligent lurking. And it paid off a few months back when his name suddenly popped up.
Nick Tate.
Back when he was killed—rather, back when Sasha killed him—there was a lot of chatter about us. All of us. Even me. But it died down to an almost imperceptible whimper because all that happened almost a decade ago now.
But then, during the Purge, there he was. And the people on this board, maybe they didn’t know him, but they knew of him. And they were intrigued.
It should go without saying that grabbing the attention of anonymous posters on a board like this is a bad thing.
Here’s how it works on the board:
All information posted is public. There is no hacking happening on this site. There is no leaking of hacked information, either. That’s illegal and if you want to keep your anonymous operation going in plain sight like this and not be relegated back to the depths of the dark web, you keep it all legal.
So these anonymous posters, they wait for some nugget of information to be leaked—on purpose or by mistake—onto socials or in the news. Then they pick it apart. They find connections. And lots of times—not always, but lots of times—they even find the truth.
The diggers had made the connection between Sasha Cherlin and Sasha Aston, FBI agent, way, way back when the news of Nick Tate’s death was fresh. But this board didn’t exist when that happened. So all that info was put up on random websites, or forums, or on IRC. All of which are gone now.
This board had none of that intel. I regularly do searches of Sasha’s name just to make sure no one is getting too close. There was nothing. Not a single mention of the name Sasha alone, or with either surname attached.
So when Nick’s name came up a couple months ago he was a ghost from a forgotten past. The FBI Twitter page posted a pic of the house where Sasha killed him with the headline ‘FBI puts unused safehouses on the market for quick sale.’
The weirdos on the board watch all tweets from all government agencies looking for secret comms. It’s a level of paranoia that most don’t have the patience for, but I’ve done the comm-watch myself many times and it’s real. Agencies around the world all talk to each other by posting seemingly innocent pics and headlines on socials. Especially Twitter.
It took about thirty-five minutes for the first post to appear on the board.
And all it said was… Is it just me, or does this house look familiar?
I stayed calm and watched them make connections in real time. And they got a lot of it right. Not all of it—there’s always some dumbass who takes the conspiracy theory ten steps too far. But most of us recognize that asshole and just ignore him.
And then the inevitable happened. Just like Nick’s name, there it was. Sasha Cherlin. It took them about two hours to re-make that Aston/FBI connection. It took them another thirty minutes to find her address in Fort Collins. Five minutes later they had her picture up and a satellite view of her house.