“Since when were you so rich?” Mal grunted as he ran his fingers along the back of a black leather couch. “And where did you get all this stuff?”

“My parents had money stashed away all over. All it took was a few smart lawyers and now I’ve got enough to fund my enterprises.” Carmine leaned up against the island in the gourmet kitchen. He caught my eye and grinned. “What are you staring for?”

“You had this place the whole time?”

Carmine shrugged. “One of several places.”

“And you had us living out in that little house instead of in here?”

He laughed and Mal threw his arms around me. I grinned at them, feeling giddy and stupid. The apartment was luxurious, much nicer than what I expected.

“Betas the hell out of where I used to live,” Mal said.

“Oh, you mean that serial killer’s apartment?”

“It wasn’t that bad.”

“Mal, you had bare white walls and bloodstained bandages in the bathroom.”

He shrugged. “I got stabbed.”

“You hear yourself, right?”

Carmine opened a cabinet, took down three glasses, and found a bottle of vodka in the freezer, because of course he had liquor. He poured three drinks and pushed them toward us. I took mine, and Mal sloshed his around in a lazy circle.

Carmine raised his glass high. “Here’s to my father and my mother,” he said. “Placido Falsone was good man, and Blaca was the best of us. I miss them every day.”

“To your parents,” I echoed, and Mal nodded grimly.

We drank. The shot warmed my belly and spread a nice, relaxing tingle down to my fingers.

“Come on, let’s get settled,” Carmine said, leading the way down a back hall. “We have a few bedrooms. Take what you want. Mine’s the last door at the end.”

“This one looks nice,” I said, poking my head into the first. Big queen bed, large closet, spacious and airy.

Mal grunted behind me. “We’ll sleep in there.”

I hesitated and looked back at him, frowning. “What do you mean, we?”

“We’re staying in the same room.”

“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

Mal’s gaze burned into mine. “I don’t remember asking. Get your ass in our room.”

“Oh, god,” Carmine said with a big sigh.

I stifled a smile and obeyed. Mal followed and tossed his bag on the floor. It felt strange watching him walk around the place like he was scoping it out, but a comfortable excitement spread through my core.

We were sleeping in the same room. No more running around. No more hiding. It was normal, like we were a real couple.

Although there was nothing normal about either of us.

“If you’re done flirting, I’m taking a shower,” Carmine said. “We’ve got more planning to do later, so don’t get too distracted.” He slammed his door shut and the sound of running water echoed through the walls.

Mal closed our door and stared at me.

I sat on the edge of the bed, chewing my lip. He didn’t move an inch, and I tilted my head.

“What now?” I asked. “We’re just, you know, acting like this is a thing?”

“It’s a thing,” Mal said. He started to walk toward me.

“I don’t know. So far, we’ve been running around and hiding from everyone. I’m pretty sure you haven’t even admitted that you like me.”

“Like you?” His eyebrows raised. “I didn’t realize we were in sixth grade.”

“You know what I mean, asshole. You haven’t even said you want to be—” I gestured vaguely in the air between us.

“Together. Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“You make it sound so immature, you dick. But you do know that I’ve never been in a relationship before. I’m figuring this out as I go.”

He knelt down in front of me and put his hands on my thighs. My cheeks burned crimson with embarrassment and I wished he’d just put me out of my misery already, but his gaze was gentle and almost amused. I didn’t know what I wanted from him or what I thought he was capable of giving, but now that whatever we were doing was out in the open, I couldn’t help myself. I needed to talk about it. I needed to know we were on the same page.

He touched my cheek gently. “You know I care about you.”

“I know that.”

“I’d die for you.”

“That’s dramatic.” Although I believed him. The way he looked at me was enough to prove it.

“It’s a statement of fact.”

“If I died, would you go on a killing spree?”

“I’d burn the whole city down.”

“My hero. But I don’t need you to turn into an arsonist.”

“What do you need then?”

“Just you, right here, right now.” I leaned forward and kissed him gently. “I’m afraid we don’t have a lot of time. We don’t know what’s going to happen. My father isn’t going to let Carmine take over the city without a fight, and we’re going to get caught in the middle. I’m afraid, Mal.”