Jealous raged in me like wildfire. I wanted to shove the bastard into the river. Wanted to drown him. Wanted to break his knee with my baton. He stood next to her, right where I wanted to be.

Strange, feeling like this. Like Cap was a part of me, and seeing that bastard get close to her was like having a piece of my body torn loose.

It was absurd. We weren’t like that. We had a connection—I couldn’t deny it, not after everything—but it wasn’t like that. Cap was beautiful. She was pure and good. I wanted her, but I’d corrupt and ruin her if she let me. We were working together, and when this was all over, I’d give her the freedom she’d always wanted.

Past that, I didn’t know what would happen. She’d have a life. That was enough.

I had to stay focused. I came out here for a reason. Mostly I wanted to make sure she was okay. But I also wanted to talk to her. She’d been cagey and I was worried. Afraid her father finally cracked down. She moved stiffly, and I noticed the signs. She favored one side, like her ribs her. She limped ever so slightly. There weren’t any visible bruises, but I knew.

And it boiled my blood.

Eventually, Maxim said something. She looked over at me and seemed surprised. Hadn’t noticed me yet. I smiled at her and tilted my head. Maxim walked off and left her alone. I gestured for her to come join me. I stood beside a massive column ten feet from a bunch of happy, normal people eating outside on a nice, comfortable Texas evening. The river rolled past slowly, burbling behind the sound of laughter and conversation.

She drifted over like she couldn’t help herself.

“How are you here?” she asked, looking around.

“Don’t worry. Nobody followed. Except for me.”

She stood close, crowding against the column. I felt like we were alone, even if we stood next to a crowd of thirty. It was strangely intimate. Maybe it was the lighting or the sound of rushing water. Or maybe it was that hungry, confused look she gave me, like she didn’t know if she wanted to slap me, scream at me, or kiss me. Or all three at once.

“Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

I shook my head. “I should ask you that.” I touched her arm gently. “He hurt you again, didn’t her?”

She looked surprised. “You noticed.”

“I know you better than anyone, Cap. You can’t hide it from me.”

She glanced away, down at the ground. “It’s not so bad. You don’t have to worry.”

“It’s getting worse.”

“It’s part of my life, Mal. You know that.”

“Still, it’s worse. Is he even drunk when he does it now?”

She didn’t answer. Only shook her head.

That bastard. Her father was a sick monster. A psychopath with no soul. No inner world. Only an all-consuming hunger for more power.

“What about that one?” I asked, nodding toward the restaurant where Maxim had disappeared.

She followed my gaze. “He’s okay. Don’t worry about him.”

“I’m not worried. Only I didn’t like the way he looked at you.”

Her lips quirked. “Are you jealous?”

“I don’t get jealous.”

“Come on, Mal. You sound jealous. But you don’t need to be. Maxim’s not interested and I’m not either. We worked it out together.”

“I hope you’re being careful.” I shifted closer to her. “I’ll kill him for you. If you think that would help.”

“No,” she said, putting a hand on my chest, and it lit my life up like a bonfire, like a nuclear bomb. I wanted her to keep that hand there forever. “He’s okay. Honestly. We’re clear about where we stand, and at this point I think he’s playing along out of curiosity. You don’t need to worry about him.”

“I worry about everything.” I touched her hand, covered with my own big mitt. “When it comes to you.”

She smiled ruefully. “He said something interesting. My father’s not dangerous right now because he’s still amassing his power, but he will be. Mal, I think we have a short window to finish this. I’m afraid he’s going to find you before we can end him.”

“I came here to warn you about that.” I tugged her closer, speaking low. She looked so damn beautiful in that dress. Conservative, but still showing enough to hint at her long legs, gorgeous hips, and breasts that drove me wild with lust. I wanted to lift her skirt and sink my tongue between her legs, but I had to focus. I had to keep control.

“Warn me about that?”

“I think he suspects you. He definitely knows it’s me killing his men, and I’m afraid he thinks you’re helping me.”

She nodded slowly, chewing her lip. “He said something about that. He made me—” She stopped, looking away.

I moved her chin toward mine. “Tell me.”

“He made me renounce Carmine and the Falsone family. He made me renounce you.” She blinked rapidly. Tears rolled down her cheeks. God, she was crying without making a sound.