She let out a soft laugh. “I know where Rolando’s at right now.”

“Yeah?” I leaned closer. My knee touched hers. She glanced over, frowning. “Where?”

“My father’s place. He works for my old man now.”

“That rat fuck.” Rolando had been the other traitor that had walked away from the attack that night. Dario and Rolando had both turned their backs on Placido and gotten my best friend murdered. Except Dario hadn’t known about Rolando. Which was interesting.

“I can’t get you Rolando. He’s working in the mansion.”

“Moving on up. Surprised your dad wants a traitor nearby.”

“Must have his reasons.”

“What about the others?”

She tapped a finger on the bar. “I know where Howard spends his time. Moves product with a few guys over in Southside. They’ve got a house out there.”

I grunted and nodded. I knew Southside well. “Do you know the address?”

“Got something to write with?”

I took out my burner phone and typed it into the notepad. “You sure this is right?”

“Positive. My dad and all the other guys aren’t careful around me.”

I put my phone away and studied her. Cap was pretty and small. I could see them forgetting she was there.

“You listen to them?”

“I have nothing better to do.” She shrugged and hunched her shoulders. “Dad keeps me locked up all day, so I pay attention. I know his business better than he does, I bet.”

I laughed and shook my head. I’d known Cap was smart, but I hadn’t realized she was clever, too. There was a lot I hadn’t let myself know about her back when Carmine had been around.

“What about the other names?”

“I don’t know,” she said and drank her beer. “I’ll see what I can learn. I know Clem’s one of Dad’s captains now and Rod’s still running with the family. I haven’t heard much about Anthony. I’ll ask around, okay?”

“Don’t get yourself caught. You ask too much and they’ll notice.”

She let out a breath. “You’d be surprised. They don’t notice much about me.”

I reached out and grabbed her wrist. She looked surprised when I turned it around and shoved the sleeve of her thin shirt up. It was too hot for sleeves, but she had them.

Her pale skin was marred by little bruises. Like someone had grabbed her arm too tight and hadn’t let go.

“You sure they won’t notice?” I said, nodding at her arm.

She wrenched herself away and ripped the sleeve back down. “What the hell’s your problem?”

“I know what your dad does. He’s always looking for an excuse. Don’t give him one.”

“I know the risks. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what I do. You know why he did this?” She pulled the sleeve up again and showed me. Little purple and yellow dots. “Three days ago, I was reading in the library. I was sitting there alone and he came in. Drunk, of course. He ripped me off the chair and dragged me out into the hall. I thought his fingers were going to break through my bones—he was holding me so hard. Never said a word. Slammed the door shut in my face. I was sitting there, reading a book.”

I let that sink in. Her fucking dad. He’d been doing that shit to her as long as I’d been around. Carmine had hated it. Hated her dad. Wanted to kill him. Said he was going to as soon as they were married.

He wouldn’t get the chance. I’d do it for him.

“You still don’t need to put yourself in too much danger. I can handle the hard parts.”

“I’m sure you can, but I want to help. I’ve been thinking about you and Carmine. And everything, you know, before you went to jail. I think you’re right to kill these guys.”

I leaned closer. “I’m glad you think so. That’s a big weight off my chest.”

She glared at me. God, she was beautiful. I leaned back like the thought burned me. I still had an ingrained revulsion against wanting her too much. I’d trained myself to act like she wasn’t the loveliest woman I’d ever seen. She was Carmine’s. Except he was dead.

“Don’t be a dick. I just mean, you took the fall for him back then. You did that because you loved him, right? Well, I loved him, too. Not like that, but you know what I mean. If you’re willing to go through all this and get yourself killed for revenge, then I am, too. So don’t tell me to be safe and back down, all right? It burns me up, living in that house. Knowing it was bought with Carmine’s blood.”

I nodded slowly. I couldn’t imagine how it felt to be so close to her dad still after what he’d done. She was powerless, and I couldn’t blame her for being stuck. She was surrounded by men that wouldn’t hesitate to beat her senseless.

She was a survivor. She’d learned how to get through the day. And now she’d need all those skills more than ever.