I let the water run down my body in slow rivulets. It was time to break the spell. I knew we couldn’t keep trying to hide this. Carmine would figure it out eventually, and it was better if he heard it coming from me instead of stumbling on Mal fucking me raw and deep.

What a mess. Nothing was simple. There was a half-dead Balestra soldier in the back room and an injured cartel guy on the couch, and all I could think about was what Carmine would think when I told him that Mal and I were sleeping together.

This was stupid. I surrounded myself with violent men and lived a violent life, and death could find me and Mal at any second. I could lose Mal like I thought I lost Carmine, and I’d hate myself for not enjoying every single moment I had with him. I finished the shower, got dressed, and stormed downstairs, determined to do the right thing.

A pained grunt came from the back. Jasper was asleep on the couch. He was wrapped in blankets and bandages. I hesitated before drifting down the hallway.

Mal stood over Rod. His right knuckles were smeared red and Rod’s mouth was dripping with blood.

“Tell me everything you know about Balestra’s compound.” Mal punched him again. Rod’s head snapped back.

“Ask his whore daughter.” Rod grinned.

Mal hit him so hard that Rod tipped back and crashed to the floor.

I slipped away. I couldn’t watch. My stomach was a sick mess, and I didn’t need to see what Mal was going to do to that man.

It wouldn’t be kind.

I found Carmine out back with Iago. They were drinking coffee in silence. I caught the older cartel man’s gaze and nodded. “Do you mind if I have a second with him?”

Iago shrugged. “I should check on Jasper.” He disappeared inside.

Carmine shifted toward me. “Morning.”

“Morning. Mal’s working on Rod.” I sat down and stretched.

“I was wondering when he would. Took his damn time.” Carmine sighed and stared at the horizon. “We have to pack up today and move on. I’ve got a new place lined up.”

“Nicer than here?”

He laughed and shook his head. “I just paid a million dollars for a beat-up old dive bar. I can’t afford better right now.”

“Darn. I was starting to like it here, too.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll have more soon.”

We fell into silence. I stared at my fingers. I was nervous—terrified, actually—but I took a deep breath and shoved my discomfort aside.

“Carmine? I need to tell you something.”

“What’s up?” He sipped his coffee and watched me carefully.

I couldn’t meet his eye. “It’s about me and Mal.” I shifted side to side and decided just to say it. “We’re together.”

A beat of silence. I looked up, afraid of what I’d see.

Carmine was grinning.

“No shit,” he said.

I blinked a few times. “No shit?”

“I figured it out a while ago. You two aren’t that good at sneaking around, you know.”

My mouth fell open. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I was respecting your privacy.”

“Carmine! This has been killing me! And you knew this whole time?”

“I suspected, but yeah, pretty much. If it makes you feel any better, I think you and Mal are perfect together.”

I blushed and smiled. “Really?”

“Really. Look, Cap. You’re a good person. Mal is too, in his own way. I think you two can be happy.”

“You’re not angry?”

“Fuck, no. Why would I be? I’m excited my two best friends are in love.”

That word love again. It sent a thrill of joy down my spine. I didn’t correct him, because there was nothing to correct.

“Best friends, huh?”

“I hope we’re still best friends. It’s the three of us against the world right now. I need you guys.”

I stood up and walked over. He met me halfway and we hugged.

“We’re in this together,” I repeated, and felt like the world had left my shoulders.

The door slid open. Mal stepped out. I parted from Carmine’s hug.

“What’s this?” he grunted, frowning.

“Cap just told me you and her are together.” Carmine winked at him. “Congrats, bro. Happy for you. She’s a catch.”

Mal’s face softened and he looked at me. “You told him?”

“Is that okay?”

He walked over and kissed me. I kissed him back, and I guess that was my answer.

“Okay, enough,” Carmine said, sighing. “I don’t need to see that all the time.”

Mal broke away but held my hand. He looked at Carmine. “Rod’s dead.”

I jolted like I’d been kicked. “What?”

“Killed him,” Mal said.

“Ah, shit, Mal,” Carmine said. “Did you at least get him to talk?”

Mal nodded. “We’d better go over it all before I forget. That okay, Cap?”

“Get to work, boys.” I slipped away, grinning. “I’ll start cleaning things up.”

Chapter 35


The elevator opened into a penthouse apartment that overlooked downtown San Antonio. I stepped out and stared around as Mal and Carmine bustled into the place, laughing about the huge windows, the marble countertops, and the gorgeous hardwood floors.