“Novikov.” Carmine looked at Mal. “You know that name, right?”

Mal screwed up his face. “I can’t place it.”

“They’re the Russians from Dallas. The real violent ones. I heard they skinned a bunch of their opponents and left the corpses out to rot. If this is the guy I’m thinking about, he’s a real piece of work.”

“Seemed nice enough to me,” I said, shrugging.

“Jesus, Cap. You’re used to mafia monsters.” Carmine shook his head and took another drink. “Can you get in touch with him? This Maxim guy?”

I stared, frowning deeply. I pulled my knees to my chest. “Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“The Novikovs are strong,” Carmine said like he hadn’t heard me. “I get why your dad would want an alliance with them. He’s trying to shore up his power. Getting those Russian psychos on his side would go a long way. But if we can set up something under his nose, that’d be the coup of the century. You have to get in touch with Maxim.”

“I’m not sure—”

“You can do it. Make the call, Cap. If we can set this up, it’ll blow the whole game wide open. With their reputation and guns on our side, your father won’t be able to stand against us.”

“Carmine, I don’t know how.”

“Just make the call, Cap. It’s not that—”

Mal slammed his hand down on the table. “Enough,” he said, his tone a barked command.

Carmine looked surprised. “Look, I know I’m being pushy, but this is important.”

Mal stood and walked around the table. He hovered between me and Carmine, looming over his friend. “She said she’s not going to do it.” Mal spoke slowly and a terrified tingle ran down my toes. “Which means she’s not going to do it. Stop asking.”

Carmine stared up in total shock. He blinked a few times, glanced from Mal to me, and then laughed awkwardly, holding up his hands. “All right, big guy. I surrender.”

Mal lingered. I’d never seen someone get so protective over me before and it made my stomach twist with a confused excitement. All my life, men told me what to do and now here was one willing to fight to give me what I wanted. It was hard to understand.

“I can maybe do it, Mal,” I said softly, pulling at his hand. “If it’s important.”

“No,” he said, glaring at me. “You made it clear you don’t want to. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Not anymore.”

I chewed on my lip. “I know that. But if I want to change my mind—”

“I said no.” Mal all but growled at me. “He’s dangerous. You’re not pulling him into this situation. It’s bad enough already.”

“You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do.” I stared at him and felt a simmering anger. So much for him giving me the freedom of choice. I got to my feet.

He took a step back. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Isn’t it?”

“I’m standing up for you.” He gestured at Carmine. “He’s the one—”

“If I say I want to call Maxim, I’ll call him.” I turned and stormed into the house. My heart was racing. I didn’t want to contact Maxim or anyone, but I didn’t like the way Mal stood there telling me I couldn’t, and I hated the way Carmine pestered me to do what he wanted, and it was all so confusing and frightening. I’d never been on my own like this before, and I worried I’d drown in bigger, stronger personalities.

Mal chased after me. “Wait a second,” he said.

I waved him away and went out the front door. He kept coming, hurrying after. I wanted to turn and shout him down but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back against him, wrapping his arms around my body and holding me tight.

I wilted then. My anger dissipated. I wasn’t truly mad at him. He didn’t mean to be a big idiot. I was pissed off at the situation and I hated them fighting because of me. Back before all this happened, they never fought, not once. The idea that I was coming between them was like a knife in my side.

“What’s going on?” he asked quietly.

“It’s nothing. I overreacted.”

“I shouldn’t have said you couldn’t do it. If you want to call Maxim, you can. It’s your choice.”

“I know you were only trying to stick up for me.” I looked up at him. “It’s just the stress.”

“I know.” He squeezed me tight. My heart raced, thinking about the way he slid inside of me earlier in the day and the orgasms that ripped my world to pieces then stitched me back together again.

“I won’t let anyone bully you, Cap,” he whispered. “But I go overboard sometimes. I can’t help myself.”

“I know you can’t. I want you to keep doing it. We’ll get the balance right eventually.”