“God, yes, Mal,” she gasped. I began to fuck her faster and her hips rolled against me, writhing and grinding. We moved as one, sweating in the sweltering back room in the Texas heat. I bit her collarbone and teased a nipple with my tongue.

“Tell me you love my cock.”

“I love your big, fat cock.”

“Tell me you want me to fill you to the brim.”

“I want you to fuck me until I scream. And then I want you to come deep, deep inside. Fuck, Mal.” Her back arched and moans escaped her lips.

I fucked her faster, losing my mind. Pleasure bloomed and curled down every limb like fireflies. She was lightning. She was thunder. She was everything I needed and more than I deserved. Her hips were luscious and her lips were perfect, and her breasts shook with every thrust, and I was lost, so fucking lost.

She gripped my back. She ground her clit against me as I kept going, fucking her savage and raw and mindless, both of us lost in the pleasure and needing it so badly. I grab her possessively, cling on to her tightly, holding her hips and making her mine.

We moved, rocking and grinding and moaning, and her back arched as I kissed her throat. “I’m so fucking close,” she whimpered. “God damn it, Mal.”

“Come for me, princess,” I whispered. “Come for me, Cap. Come on my big cock.”

That was enough. That kicked her over the edge. She dug her fingers into me and lost it. She spasmed, lost in her orgasm, and the look on her face was enough to drive me over the edge and then some. I thrust deep to the hilt, balls against her body, and came. I came hard, exploding inside of her, inside of my Cap, and I growled a low hum of utter contentment and incredible intensity.

I kissed her. She kissed me back and we tangled into each other, wrapping arms around arms and legs around legs, clinging like we were set adrift on the ocean.

“I needed that,” she whispered, grinning madly. “God, how do you do it to me?”

“Only the beginning,” I whispered back and held her tighter.

I’d have to let go soon. I couldn’t stay in the room forever. Carmine would get suspicious if he wasn’t already.

But fuck him. Fuck everything. I didn’t care about him in this moment.

There was only Cap, beautiful Cap, and she was all I needed.

Chapter 31


A dull ache seared between my legs.

It was the best pain I’d ever felt.

I sat on the back porch hours later. I fell asleep after Mal made me come—three absurdly incredible times—and woke up alone. Clothes sat bundled on the floor with a note on top. Thought you needed these. Mal. I smiled and pulled on a shirt and a pair of shorts that actually fit.

I found him and Carmine leaning over maps and drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. The cartel guys were all gone. The sun sank in the sky, and pinks and purples spread out across the back yard. It was beautiful and strange, ghostly and gorgeous.

“They’ve got guys here and here,” Carmine was saying, jabbing a finger at a few spots. “But none of them matter. They’re all former Falsone loyalists. All we need to do is cut off the head of the snake.”

Mal grunted and caught my eye. He smiled and looked away. Carmine seemed too lost in the planning to notice.

“Easier said than done,” Mal said. “How many of those cartel guys can you rustle up?”

“Not too many more. Maybe ten at most.”

“Won’t be enough.”

Carmine laughed and took a long pull from the bottle. “Come on, Mal. With you leading the charge, ten is overkill.”

But Mal didn’t look happy. Carmine finally turned in my direction and winked like we were in on a secret.

We spent the next hour talking. I told them as much about my father’s business as I could. I pointed out places on the map where I knew he had men working. It wasn’t much, and nothing Carmine didn’t know already, but it made me feel useful.

“What else have you been doing there?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. “There’s got to be something we can use against him.”

“Dad was trying to set me up with someone else,” I said, glancing at Mal. His face darkened, but he didn’t say anything.

Carmine’s eye sparkled with laughter. “That old bastard. Was he really?”

“It’s all he said I was good for.” I stared down at my lap.

“Fuck him,” Mal said with vicious intensity.

I looked up and smiled.

“Fuck him for sure,” Carmine said, leaning forward. “Who was the guy?”

“His name was Maxim Novikov.”

Carmine stared and his face blanched. “Novikov?”

“He seemed nice,” I said with a shrug. “Decent guy. When he realized I wasn’t interested, he didn’t try to push. He said he wouldn’t force a woman to marry him.”