“Do you remember that time Keegan passed out drunk and his team shaved his—”

“Yes, and eww! Please don’t bring that story up ever again.” Diana’s brother is like a brother to me, and the mental picture is still disturbing on so many levels, years later.

“Okay, I’m hiding in the mailroom and I have, like, thirty more seconds before Beef Stick comes looking for me,” she whispers conspiratorially, and I’m picturing the tall blonde bombshell crouching behind the photocopier in her pencil skirt. “I don’t have time for specifics right now. Just give me the final verdict.”

“The final verdict is . . .” I open the fridge and begin testing the bottles of water to find the coldest one. “He’s hot.”

“Really? Like how hot?”

“You know that Viking fitness model guy’s profile page I showed you a couple of weeks ago?” Pretty much the only guy with a full beard that I’ve ever found attractive.

She moans her confirmation.

“Yeah, like that. Only better.”

“Tell me you got a picture.”

“No!” I scoff. “I’m not going to take a picture of the guy while he’s drugged unconscious!”

“Really, Calla? That’s the line you drew?” she mocks.

I cringe at myself. “I know.”

“So, he’s hot but he’s still a jerk, right?”

“Yeah, total jerk. I mean, not really. Sometimes he’s totally a jerk and I want to punch him in the face,” I amend. “And then other times . . . I don’t mind him at all, actually.” I’m not even as angry as I was last night anymore. Now I’m more focused on the growing tension that gnaws at my gut.

What if Jonah is genuinely pissed at me? What if he wants nothing to do with me anymore?

“So are you two gonna hook up?”

“What?” I squeal. “No!”

“He’s hot and you have no emotional attachment to him. Perfect rebound material.”

“I . . . No!” God, first my father, now my best friend? “Hookups aren’t my thing—you know that.” I’m either not able to detach my heart from the situation and end up hurt or I decide that I don’t like the guy and end up full of regret. “Besides, he likes leggy blondes. You come up here and sleep with him.”

“Come on. You need a rebound.”

“Trust me, I don’t. I haven’t given Corey a second’s thought since I’ve been here.” Which only proves I didn’t make a mistake in ending it when I did.

“Good! So then do the Viking!”

“I am not doing the Viking!” I burst out laughing, realizing how much I miss her. “I wouldn’t even know where to start with him.” How does a woman initiate something with a guy like Jonah, who’s as likely to laugh at her for her attempts as throw her caveman-style onto the bed? She’d have to have a brass-coated spine just to try.

Diana groans. “Ugh. Beef Stick’s calling my name. His voice is so annoying, I’ve started having nightmares. Gotta go now. Go and get this guy. And then call me tonight. We need to plan out the next week. Calla & Dee can’t just be all Dee while you’re off, flying around with your hot Viking.”

“I know, I’m sorry. Things have been crazy around here.” Calla & Dee has fallen by the wayside in my thoughts, right next to my ex-boyfriend. “And no, I’m not hooking up with Jonah.” Satisfied that I’ve found the coldest water, I hip-check the fridge door. “That would be a bad idea— Ahhh!”

Jonah is standing a foot away.

“Call you later,” I mumble, and hit End.

As handsome as he was last night, freshly groomed and peaceful in slumber, the sight of him towering over me now, the muscles in his cut jaw clenching as he pins me down with steely blue eyes, is as awe-inspiring as it is intimidating. His beard remains unruffled, and his hair, though somewhat disheveled, holds its volume like I intended.

He doesn’t appear to be at all amused.

How long has he been listening to my conversation?