She sniffed. “You were handsome and amenable, and after Sir Archie’s little troubles, I was needing release in the same way as you, Stephen. Do not imagine it’s only men who take pleasure from the act.”

Oh, he knew that. He thought of Sybil and the many and varied times they’d found ways of pleasuring one another. After a week of abstinence due to Sir Partington’s continued presence at The Grange, Stephen knew how much both he and Sybil were looking forward to finding release in one another’s arms and bodies.

“Sir Archie was…?” He had to clarify what she seemed to be implying.

“Not was. Is. Sir Archie has been impotent since a terrible fever that plagued him about six months after our twins were born. Of course, that causes its own problems. Anger. Frustration. Well, you can imagine what he was like when I fell pregnant. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, but then the doctor was called after I’d fainted, and he confirmed the happy news.” She said this in tones of mild sarcasm.

“What did Sir Archie do?” Stephen felt sick.

“What could he do? Was it more manly to admit to being cuckolded, or to have another child in the nursery that proclaimed his manly prowess when we both knew he would never be the man he once was?”

He was at an impasse. “Why are you here? To force me to tell the world what could never otherwise be proved?”

“God, no! I want you to prevent Lord Debenham from telling the world. He’s got to be stopped. He wants money for his silence, but it won’t end there.”

Stephen frowned. “You came here with Lord Beecham last week, did you not? He and Debenham know one another. Can’t Lord Beecham ensure his silence? After all, I presume you and Lord Beecham are on more than passing friendly terms.” He spoke wryly, but she responded with acidic dignity.

“Lord Beecham has nothing to do with this, nor does he know about you and me. I am Lucinda Martindale’s godmother, and it is only right and proper that I help launch her since she’s become Lord Beecham’s ward. It’s true he accommodates me on occasion, but with my husband’s consent.”

“So you have fallen out of favor with both your husband and Lord Beecham, and so you’ve come to me. Are you saying you have nowhere to go? Are you blackmailing me into giving you the refuge both your husband and paramour have withdrawn?” He couldn’t help but speak so slightingly when he was so enraged at what had occurred. Yet, he had to accept culpability. He realized that, though acceptance would not come quite yet.

She raised her head and sent him an icy glare. “Since you are clearly so opposed to such an idea, I shall relieve you of that possibility on one condition—that you find a means of silencing Lord Debenham.”

“Silencing him.”

“That’s right. After all, it’s in your interests as much as mine.”

“And how do you propose I do that? Invite him to my club for a cozy heart to heart and tell him that I’d appreciate it if he didn’t proclaim to the world—” He stopped suddenly as the reality hit him like a force. He had fathered a son. A boy just a couple of months older than his precious Celia. A boy who, from what he’d heard, was likely to inherit Sir Archie’s name and estate.

A red haze hung behind his eyes. “I wonder that your husband hasn’t threatened to silence me forever, knowing what I’ve done.”

She shrugged. “He isn’t happy with you, but he doesn’t have the courage to kill you, if that’s what you’re afraid of. He’d rather Debenham said nothing, and has made it clear that it’s in my interests—as regards the comforts I’ve enjoyed as his wife—that Debenham is silenced. I’ve assured him that I will do whatever I can to see to that.”

“So he sent you here tonight to speak to me?”

“Of course not. I’ve been staying with Lord Beecham, who has been angry with me ever since I danced with you at Lady Debenham’s ball. He accuses me of trying to make him jealous. He’s obsessed with me. I don’t know what he’d do if he discovered you’d fathered Horatio.”

Dully, he said, “So that’s his name.”

“Of your son? Yes. He looks a great deal like you, too. So will you agree? To silence Lord Debenham, so Archie and I can rest in peace knowing that Horatio will grow up with no slur attached to his name?”

“I have no idea how I might manage that.” Stephen felt the energy drain from his shoulders. Now he realized the blackmail note he’d received from Debenham did not refer to his affair with Sybil, as he’d assumed. Well, it was some consolation, but he didn’t think Sybil would think too highly of what had occurred between Stephen and Lady Julia the night before he’d met Sybil.

He wondered if Barston had whispered in Debenham’s ear. Of course, nothing could be proved, but that didn’t seem to be enough for Lady Julia. “I will endeavor to ensure his silence as it is in my interests as much as yours.” He felt stiff and much older than his years as he stepped backward. “I presume you have a carriage waiting for you nearby. Do you wish me to escort you to the road?”

“I would appreciate that, Mr. Cranborne,” she said, holding out her hand so he could help her step out of the boat. “You always were the gentleman.”

Chapter 16

Kitty returned from the theater to her little house feeling a great deal less magnanimous than she’d left. She’d farewelled Silverton for the last time

. She was proud of the manner in which she’d conducted herself, but it didn’t make her feel happier. In fact, she’d never felt more forlorn in her life.

The hackney put her down in front of the sweet little house that she’d vacate in a few days, as soon as she found suitable alternate lodgings. It would have to be far less luxurious, but she was no man’s paid plaything now. She had gifts from Silverton that would ensure she got by in comfort for the next few months. He’d insisted upon that, and of course, an actress’s wage was barely enough to feed and house her though Kitty was luckier than most.

A light was on her room she saw as she crossed the road though the rest of the house was in darkness. The servants must have gone to bed. She hoped Dorcas might have waited up for her. She could do with someone to talk to. Someone who understood her heart.

“Miss Kitty?”