Ralph put his head on one side. “Am I to infer that you want that letter so urgently now because you plan to use it as insurance against what you fear your husband might find out about you, Lady Debenham?”

Araminta did not react with the outrage Kitty had expected. After taking a deep breath, knocking back the brandy in one mouthful, she clasped her hands together and began calmly, “Debenham told me in idle conversation of a little matter he’d heard about…that he is, in fact, investigating something which, he believes, could be of financial benefit to him since he knows that to reveal the truth would ruin…someone’s reputation.”

Kitty could see the sheen of sweat on her brow from her hiding place just a few feet away as Araminta went on, “Every hint he dropped suggested the person in question could be me. You’re in a position to discover what I need to know, Mr. Tunley. You shall be well rewarded if you can tell me exactly who my husband is investigating and what he knows.”

Ralph betrayed no surprise, though Kitty was astonished that Araminta would be so forthcoming. Still, if she wanted Ralph’s help, Kitty supposed she’d need to tell him this, and more.

Rising, Ralph began to pace. “You’ve given me very little go to on, Lady Debenham, other than that you believe your reputation is in danger. You’ve also said nothing to my earlier suggestion.”

“What?! That I betray my husband on the promise of safeguards to ensure that I am not ruined in consequence?” Araminta looked perplexed. “Are you more than just my husband’s lowly secretary? This investigation…are you involved, personally? You’ve intimated as much, yet you live here? Why should I believe your grandiose claims?” She was gaining confidence as she spoke, as if a plan was slowly forming in her mind. Kitty could read the signs. Araminta had always been devious. Suddenly, she was afraid for Ralph.

Yet Ralph just lounged by the fireplace, watching her with interest as she went on, “I could tell Debenham you’re plotting against him and he would do his worst.” She smiled. “But if you help me, I won’t.”

“So you’re blackmailing me now, are you, Lady Debenham?”

“Of course not! I’m just suggesting to you what you suggested to me earlier, but using different words.”

“Don’t be puerile, Araminta,” Lissa bristled. “You are threatening Ralph if I ever heard it, yet Ralph is the only one who can help you, which is why you came here tonight.”

Araminta looked outraged, then burst into tears. “Don’t be angry. I’m not blackmailing anyone. I’m just terrified of what Debenham will do to me—”

“Do you mean, if he uncovers the truth about you, Araminta?” Lissa supplied. Her nose twitched as if she’d suddenly come in contact with something very unpleasant. “And what, exactly, might the truth be? Don’t be so disingenuous. If you want Ralph to help you, then he needs an assurance you won’t reveal him to Debenham.”

“And yet, I don’t know how I can help you since you’ve given me no information whatsoever, Lady Debenham,” said Ralph.

“Well, you are his trusted secretary. I hoped you could trick him into revealing his sources. He’s being so evasive saying only that ‘someone’ had said something. Perhaps you could find out who that someone is and what that something was?”

“Ralph can only do that if he is still Debenham’s trusted secretary.”

Araminta nodded at Lissa. “Of course, you have my word that I’ll say nothing to Debenham about any of this, including the fact Mr. Tunley could get that letter I want and that Debenham wants it even more, no doubt. If Mr. Tunley is prepared to act in my interests, I’m more than happy to act in his. And what I ask is quite simple. I just want him to quiz Debenham, find out what it is Debenham thinks he knows, and then report back to me.”

Kitty wondered what terrible deed Araminta could be guilty of that she would go to such lengths. An affair, no doubt. The idea appalled her. Imagine making one’s sacred vows and entering marriage full of hope for the future only to indulge in a grubby and clandestine union with someone else.

Then she remembered that’s why she’d rushed over to seek comfort from her elder sister—because she couldn’t bring herself to force Silverton into behaving so dishonorably toward Miss Mandelton that she’d given him up.

Lissa leaned across the table. “How can Ralph know where to begin questioning Debenham if he has nothing to go on?”

“So you will help me?” Araminta’s eyes widened as if she’d received the first piece of good news all night, ignoring Lissa’s question. “If I say nothing about Mr. Tunley to Debenham, then Mr. Tunley will help and protect me? He’ll get to the bottom of whatever scandal it is that Debenham’s investigating and then will report back to me immediately?” Nervously. Araminta nibbled at the tip of her glove and looked at each in turn. “You’ll say nothing of this to anyone else?”

They all shook their heads.

“So, Lady Debenham, what, exactly, did your husband say that has you so concerned?” Ralph spoke in such a comforting tone, and Kitty saw the way Araminta melted. Goodness, even Lissa’s expression softened when he spoke as if she were as besotted with Ralph as…well, Kitty was with Silverton.

Araminta drew herself up, liking the attention, no doubt, now that it was directed with more sympathy toward her. “All right. Debenham likes to crow about his triumphs, and on the night of my birthday, he was obviously delighted at coming into some information which he believed he could use to his advantage. That’s the only time Debenham is really happy. Well, he told me that in casual conversation he’d been told of a case where, unless certain monies were paid, a man of great consequence would be informed that…”

She’d started off with such assurance, but now she could not go on. Helpfully Kitty supplied, “His wife was unfaithful?”

Araminta nodded. In a soft voice, she added, “It’s worse than that, though.”

Kitty wondered what could be worse while they all waited in silence for her to go on.

“And that the child he believed was his, was…not his own.”

Kitty’s surprise was so profound she was glad she didn’t tumble out from behind the curtain.

“But…how could this be of concern to you, Araminta?” Lissa asked. “I thought you were here because you were, well, terrified for yourself?”

“Rumors are as damaging as the truth.” She raised herself proudly. “I just need to know the people involved that Debenham is so occupied with ruining. I’ve heard rumors that…that he could be trying to manufacture evidence against me.”