His expression hardened. “Surely you weren’t trawling the Serpentine Walk for trade? I thought I’d made it clear—”

“Indeed you did and it’s very flattering.” Hetty floundered as she searched for a response that would appease him and enable her to retain any shred of respectability. “However, I am on my way to a special event I’ve promised to attend.”

“Special event?”

He didn’t sound pleased as he nevertheless led her forcefully up the short laneway toward a private supper box.

Wildly, she searched for some plausible excuse. “It’s my brother’s birthday celebration. I’ve promised him I’ll be there.”

“Yet you are here?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical.

“I am, sir, because…my brother lives not far from here.”

“Indeed.” He ushered her into a dimly lit supper box, closing the door behind them. Immediately they were plunged into a cocoon of intimacy.

Longing overlaid with the knowledge that she had to escape made Hetty desperate. More so when Sir Aubrey placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her into his warm embrace. Instant connection vibrated between them. She felt it in his stiffening of awareness, his faint intake of breath.

He would not believe she’d not yield for him. She could feel his desire pressing against her stomach, unleashing her own rampant need for closer connection. She’d never felt excitement like this yet how, when she knew it was so wrong, could she have found herself in such a situation? Again? What would the repercussions be for her future? For her ability to hold her head high and look her

darling mother in the eye?

With a degree of shame, she acknowledged she was more concerned with discovery than the rightness or wrongness of her actual actions.

“The fact that your loyalty to your brother outweighs financial considerations is, I suppose, to be commended.” His breath caressed her heated ear like a promise. “Especially when most little ladybirds would be doing all in their power to reel in such a catch as myself.”

“It must be a fine thing to have such a high opinion of oneself, sir,” Hetty remarked, trembling as his lips touched hers.

His laugh reverberated gently between them and she opened her eyes to find him shaking his head. “Why, methinks you do not speak in jest. How refreshing.” He held her a little tighter before drawing her by the hand to a pile of sumptuous silk cushions in the corner of the room. “And do you have a high opinion of yourself, my little one? You certainly ought to after the aptitude you showed for one so inexperienced.”

“You mean at Lady Knox’s ball?”

He folded his lean, muscular frame into a semi-recumbent position upon the pillows and pulled Hetty against his side. With cocked eyebrow and quirked lips, he regarded her as he might a delectable cream puff. That is, if a man as athletic as Sir Aubrey had a liking for pastries.

“Indeed, at Lady Knox’s ball.” He gave a short laugh. “When I found you trespassing in my chamber it crossed my mind you were a spy working for Lord Debenham. It was perhaps a dangerous way for your abbess to introduce to me her latest novice. A novelty, certainly, but dangerous. Perhaps I might have slit your throat.”

Hetty grimaced. “When I saw you covered with blood, I feared that’s what you were about to do, sir. Especially after you confessed you’d just killed a man.”

His rumble of laughter brought him into closer proximity. “Lord, did I neglect to tell you the truth? Never mind…” He ran a fingertip from the tip of her nose, tracing her contours until he reached the top of her décolletage. “I’ve never killed a man and I hope I never do. Ah, but you must be Madame Chambon’s star creation.” He kissed her brow lightly. “Ingenuous, inexperienced and yet you could pass as a lady.”

“I could? Well—” Meanwhile his confession that he had in fact never committed murder was decidedly dismaying, removing as it did any acceptable reason for Hetty engaging in the wanton acts she had with the man.

He put his fingertips to her lips. “I do not want to hear your sad and sorry tale. Your acting powers are clearly evident so I’d not believe you, besides which I am remunerating you handsomely for attending to my desires. That’s where it ends between us.”

There was an edge to his voice, which Hetty found both disturbing and, to her confusion, disappointing.

“Sadly, I think, it must end now, sir.” Hetty struggled amidst the cushions into a sitting position. Her smile was regretful as she tried to ignore the fierce desire that raged through her.

She was sailing too close to the wind. Amongst a sea of hopeful debutantes, he’d not looked at her twice yet he’d be furious if he were to discover her true identity.

He’d think she’d tried to trick him.

“Playing games, are we?” He reached out a languid hand as she rose, not bothering to get up for clearly he did not believe that she intended to leave. “Well, my dear, if you cannot spare the time to attend to me in my own domain, it seems you are in a hurry to expedite proceedings here. I’d thought it a novelty to enjoy some preliminary conversation but if you wish to bypass that, by all means, let us proceed to the carnal part of this evening.”

Hetty shook off his hand, incensed by his manner and now more than ready to leave. “I am honored you wish to further our acquaintance,” she said with heavy irony. “Indeed, our previous encounter was surprisingly enjoyable but, yes, I really do have to go, I’m afraid.”

Clearly he still did not believe her, but as she pulled the door open his eyes widened.

“Ah, you are adept at this game for one so inexperienced. I think I came to the wrong conclusion earlier. Indeed, you’d prefer to come to me at my townhouse, where you will experience greater comfort and possibly a more rewarding outcome. You want to insinuate yourself more thoroughly into my life. Predictable after all.”