Demurely, she clasped her hands in her lap and dropped her eyes. “It concerns a certain letter, Lord Debenham.”

Venturing a glance at his face in the lengthening silence, she saw both fear and suspicion as he muttered, “What letter is this?

“The letter your valet Jem has in his possession.”

She was unprepared for his sudden movement. It was as if he had been mortally wounded, the way he jerked back against the squabs.

“It exists?”

Araminta nodded. “I saw it just half an hour ago. Apparently when my sister learned of its existence, she made an arrangement with your valet to look at it. My sister, it transpires, has lost her heart to Sir Aubrey and I believe it was her intention to take the letter to him.”

She saw as they passed beneath a street lamp that he’d gone very pale. Raking a hand through his hair, he whispered, “Who, other than you, has read that letter and where is it now?”

“I’m the only one, Lord Debenham, and Jem has the letter since he wouldn’t give it to me, despite all my inducements.”

“What inducements were those, might I ask?”

“He wanted two guineas for it but unfortunately I had only half a crown. Apparently you never offered him a groat.”

He uttered an expletive she clearly wasn’t intended to hear. Then, “So you’re blackmailing me, Miss Partington? Perhaps you and this valet of mine? He says I never offered him a groat? Ha! He only ever hinted at knowing more about matters than might be desirable. He was obviously frightened, knowing I’d have the law on my side if he were found guilty of stealing.”

Araminta widened her eyes. “Good gracious, my lord, I only want to help you! It was very unfortunate I didn’t have more to offer your man and so be able to hand over the letter to you now. You really would want to have it as Lady Margaret says terrible things about you. However, I am nothing more than an innocent debutante.” She sent him a knowing look and went on with a sigh, “Hoping to make a good match. As I said, I’ve long admired you, Lord Debenham.” She lowered her eyes.

Initially he did not respond as she’d expected. After a long, tense silence, he leaned forward and clasped one of her hands. “Clearly you are a young lady who thrives on risk,” he said softly.

For a moment she thought he might brush her lips with his and wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed he did not. She’d been attracted to him when she first had met him but subsequent tales of his exploits had been more than usually graphic and had put her off. Nevertheless, her confidence was in the ascendant now. She knew that successful handling of a gentleman could be managed by allure, which she possessed in abundance.

“Do you recall what else it mentioned, Miss Partington?”

She felt a trifle nervous at the intensity of his look but managed a bold smile.

“Only about your club, my Lord.”

He raised his eyebrows. “My club?”

“The Spencean Club.”

Something flared in the depths of his eyes, then, relaxing back against the squabs, he said almost genially, “I trust you can insinuate your way back inside your home and keep silent about this afternoon’s activities,” his eyes bored into hers as he added with exciting portent, “if there is to be a desirable outcome from our little interview.”

Araminta wasn’t sure Lord Debenham had been suitably grateful. When she looked at him, he was gazing at the ceiling as if she didn’t exist. “If that’s all the thanks I get, Lord Debenham—” she began but he cut her off.

“I did not mean to make you angry.” His attention was fully upon her now. She noticed his breathing was rather rapid and his eyes looked fevered.

Good, she thought, satisfied that the promise of her affections was finally having the desired effect.

“It is a rare opportunity to be in such close proximity to a lady.” He swallowed. “A potential savior. You have been very good to me and I intend to reward you as you deserve. May I be so bold as to beg a kiss?”

She felt like the cat who had swallowed the cream, raising her face delicately to his and saying, “It is a great risk we take, Lord Debenham, for if we are caught the consequences would be very dire.”

Already he was closing in on her, his arms wrapping about her shoulders, his breath tickling her ear. She shuddered at the extraordinary responses of her body and part of her realized the element of danger was an aphrodisiac in itself. She’d never felt this roiling in her lower belly or the heightened sensitivity of her skin as he caressed her cheek with his lips.

“I might have to offer to marry you, Miss Partington,” he whispered, touching his lips to hers.

She let out her breath in a satisfied sigh, surrendering completely to the lust that enveloped her, disappointed when he set her away from him and reached over to open the door.

But his parting words as he raised her hand for his kiss were just what she was after. “If I were called upon to do as honor dictated it would not be a hardship, Miss Partington.”

Just before he closed the door between them, he slipped a five-pound note into her hand. “If you can get that letter for me, I will ensure that you are appropriately rewarded. But let us not part when we have no plans to meet again. What say you this evening, at Lady Scott’s ball? I know the house well. There is a door hidden behind the tapestry on the rear saloon wall. Impossible to miss if you know what you’re looking for. On the stroke of midnight I will be waiting in the withdrawing room. It is the second door on the corridor at right angles to the ladies’ mending room. Perhaps we might then discuss in private your progress in obtaining this letter.” He tipped his hat. “That is, unless we are in the fortunate position of perusing it together.”