“Ah, but she might have been, Katherine. She might have been in very grave danger. A husband is what you want, Katherine. A husband with a firm hand is what you and the child both need.”

It was hard to pay attention, for Katherine could hear the shouts of the stablehands and clink of harness from the stables behind as they prepared the conveyance Jack was taking back to Patmore Farm. She knew he’d have preferred to have ridden. He’d have covered the distance in a very short time, and his riding would be confined to his own pleasure. Odette was not a horsewoman. She disliked horses, and a carriage that shielded her as much as possible from the creatures would have to be the consideration from here on. Jack would expend a lot of effort to ensure his bride enjoyed the creature comforts with which her indulgent papa had showered her, but Katherine doubted he’d even look out of the window to wave in parting to the woman he loved. For she knew that he loved her.

“Yes, but I’m not looking for a husband,” Katherine said, tightly. “I’m still in mourning for your son.”

Lady Hale made some noise that denoted disapproval. “Not that anyone would know it,” she said, looking pointedly at Katherine’s gown that, while black, was brightened by the colourful Indian shawl Jack had sent her during his travels.

“Well, I don’t know how you can suggest I marry again at this juncture of my life when Freddy is barely cold in the ground.” The words sounded cruel and harsh as they fell upon the air, frosting in front of Katherine’s face like a reproach in the gathering cold. She raised her face quickly to Lady Hale to apologise but met a beetling look and the surprising response, “Freddy was a good-for-nothing. We both know that. It’s why you need to find a replacement who’ll treat you with the respect you deserve.”

Katherine gasped out loud as Lady Hale went on, “Freddy was an inveterate gambler and had no compunction in taking his pleasure without conscience. The night I heard he’d eloped, I felt both pain and pleasure, Katherine, I’ll be honest.”

Katherine’s heart beat quickly. She could hear the sound of carriage wheels on gravel behind her and knew it must be Jack, but Lady Hale was facing her down with words that were so painful and loaded with prophecy and portent she couldn’t turn around. She might crumple into a heap of despair if she did.

She bunched her hands into fists to give her strength, and closed her eyes as the irony of the situation engulfed her. Jack—the future she’d wanted the whole of her adult life—was passing behind her at this very moment, and she couldn’t feast her eyes upon him one last time because the mother of the wastrel she’d married pinioned her like a butterfly with the words that revealed her estimation of her own son was as bad as Katherine’s.

“Pain…because I wondered how long it would take before the young woman he’d tricked into marriage realised the deadly error of her impulsiveness, and pleasure…because at last I could share the worry over Freddy’s antics with someone else.”

“I was married to Freddy for seven years…” Katherine took a deep breath and sent Lady Hale a combative look. “And I do not think I’ll marry again.”

“You have a child to consider, Katherine. Freddy’s daughter and Freddy, as a husband, is as strong beyond the grave as he ever was in life. His dictates will be taken very seriously in a court of law, and you know what his wishes were as regards Diana.”

For a few moments, Katherine had believed her mother-in-law stood in solidarity with her. Some of her dislike had melted away, but now it hardened, encasing her heart as she muttered, “Freddy ceded decisions surrounding Diana to you, it is true, but you’ve never shown any great interest in her. Why would you take her away from me?”

Lady Hale drew back her shoulders. “I don’t want the care of the child, it’s true. But I want to see her future is guided well, Katherine. I want a responsible man at the helm. Not a string of fly-by-admirers who’ll mire both you and Diana increasingly in scandal and erode my granddaughter’s chances of making a good marriage.”

“You have so little regard for my morals?” Katherine asked, outraged.

“Your family has not been renowned for lofty morals, Katherine.”

Katherine turned on her heel and began to walk away. There was no answer to this. Her mother-in-law had gone too far by tainting the entire Brightwell clan with her outrageous claim. As she raised her head, she saw Jack’s carriage turning out onto the main road that led north towards Patmore Farm. She stopped to stare.

What was left for her now? If she couldn’t have the man she loved, she had only her daughter to brighten her dull days.

“Marry Lord Derry and I’ll not instigate a claim for Diana!”

Lady Hale’s harsh words carried from the path where she still stood. Katherine halted, but she didn’t turn. A fury greater than she knew she could control was threatening to overcome her. She had to breathe very carefully and steadily before she could turn to look the old woman in the eye. Otherwise, she’d run, screaming, across the short distance that separated them and put her hands around Lady Hale’s neck.

“Marry Lord Derry? You want me to marry Lord Derry so much?” Katherine shook her head. She squeezed shut her eyes and clenched her fists. Then she picked up her skirts and walked steadily along the path and disappeared around the corner of the house, leaving Lady Hale standing where she’d left her.

“Oh my, Katherine! I’m sorry!”

Katherine stepped backwards after bumping hard into her cousin George’s chest. She was going to continue onwards with no word, but he put his hand out and gripped her wrist, drawing her round to face him.

She didn’t need this right now and struggled to release her arm.

“You’re forgiven, George,” she muttered, about to move on, but he angled himself in front of her.

“You look upset, Katherine. Can I help?”

Katherine raised her face to see his eyes, small and calculating, boring into hers and a great revulsion made her tremble.

With an effort, she tried to normalise the encounter. It wasn’t appropriate to slap his face when that would simply be an outlet that would give her great satisfaction and provoke him—with good reason. “Jack’s gone to Patmore Farm where Miss Worthington has no doubt made her way with Aunt Antoinette and Uncle Bramwell. Did he say goodbye to you?” She phrased it like that to give him greater pain—like the pain she was feeling.

George shook his head. “I came out to wish him Godspeed, but he was talking to you so…I didn’t want to interrupt. And then he was gone.”

“That was surprisingly thoughtful of you, George.” Katherine picked up her skirts and moved past him. “And now I should check that Diana hasn’t run away again. Lady Hale has a dim view of my mothering abilities.”

He put out his arm to stay her, and as Katherine swung around, she was glad to note that Lady Hale was no longer where she’d left her, so that was one objectionable person out of the way. Now she just needed to get rid of George.