“We would have been,” Jeremy said, “but Kori got distracted by work stuff.”

Helena’s expression softened. “All right?”

I nodded before kissing Vince on the cheek. “It’s fine. Just looking over some files. Nothing to worry about.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“Good,” Helena said. “Especially since I’m done being altruistic for the evening. Everyone, tell me I look beautiful and that there has never been a queen such as me.”

We did, but only because it was true.

She preened at the praise like a show dog in makeup and sequins.

Darren gave me a quick side hug and nodded at Jeremy before he followed Helena down the stairs. “Looking good, Kori,” he called over his shoulder.

God bless the Homo Jock King.

AFTER THE show, Charlie decided it was time for him and Robert to get home. “We’re not getting any younger,” he muttered as he hugged me. “I might have to start training someone else to work the cameras at some point.”

“Nah,” I said as he pulled away. “You still got this, Daddy.”

He snorted. “Girlie, my aches have aches. You’ll find out one day. Still on for lunch tomorrow?”

Jeremy had had a harder time than his father had when they’d moved out of the house, Robert with Charlie and Jeremy with me into our new house. But Robert had told hi

m it was time he moved on with his own life and let Robert live his. An agreement had been made for Sunday lunches with just the four of us. At Charlie’s diner, of course. “Still on. We’ll pick you up.”

He turned to say good night to the others as Robert came over to me. He moved a little slower than he had when I first met him, but both he and Charlie were in good health. “When are you going to make an honest man out of my son?” he whispered.

“Soon,” I promised him. “He doesn’t know, does he?”

Robert shook his head. “Hasn’t said anything to me.”

“Gonna wait until after Ty’s wedding. I don’t want to take away from that.”

“I’m going to hold you to it,” he said before kissing my forehead. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I grinned at him. “Love you too, Dad.”

“What are you two gossiping about?” Jeremy asked, a frown on his face.

“None of your business,” Robert said, tapping the end of his cane against Jeremy’s hip. “Nosy. Just like when you were a child. One would think you would have grown out of that. We weren’t even talking about you.” Robert winked at me.

“Right,” Jeremy said slowly. “You’re both up to something. Don’t think I don’t see it.” He shook his head. “I’m going to walk Dad and Charlie out to their car. Be back in a minute.”

I nodded as they headed for the door.

And just like that, it was the three of us: Helena (in the process of becoming Sandy again), Paul, and me. Vince and Darren were downstairs. They’d come up in a little while and we’d all go home. We didn’t stay out as late as we used to. Being in public was exhausting. I was already thinking about the couch at home.

But for now, all was well.

“It’s weird, right?” I asked suddenly.

“What is?” Paul asked as Sandy handed him the wig.

“This. Everything.”