Muscle Twink handed Charlie a bottle of water. “Whatever she wants, it’s on the house.”

Muscle Twink must have been new, because he said, “I think that’s against the rules.”

“Oh boy,” I said. “You should probably reconsider, friend.”

Charlie glared at him. He may have been damn near eighty years old, but if Charlie gave you that look, you either did exactly as he said or you ran in the opposite direction in fear of your life. “Excuse me?”

Muscle Twink fidgeted nervously. “Mike said we can’t give out free drinks.”

“I don’t give a shit what Mike says,” Charlie snarled. “You get the lady what she wants, and you do it now.”

Muscle Twink nodded jerkily. He had sweat on his brow. Sheer terror was a good look on him. “What can I get you?”

“Vodka tonic,” I said sweetly. “With a lime. Please and thank you.”

He spun around and disappeared back through the door.

“Children,” Charlie muttered. “They never learn.”

“Such children,” I agreed.

Charlie snorted. “Dear, you’re still a child yourself.”

I gasped, a hand going to my throat. “I’ll have you know I’m older than I look. You know as well as I do that black don’t crack.”

He chuckled as he shook his head. “Be thankful for it, Kori. When you get to be as old as I am, you’re just happy everything still works.”

“Eh. You’re not that old. And even if you were, love will keep you young at heart.”

“You’re as bad as the others,” Charlie said. “I don’t know how I ever thought otherwise.”

“I might even be worse,” I agreed. “It’s because I was trapped between two worlds: the drama of Seafare and the ridiculousness of Tucson. It changes a person.”

“Well, I for one am glad you’re here, even if it’s ridiculous.”

“Me too,” I said quietly.

I left him alone to play with his camera. It was… nice, being here. Even though I relished having the house to myself for a little while, there was such a thing as too much quiet. I’d even thought about offering to watch Wheels while Paul and Vince were gone, but given that I still had classes before they left, it was best that he went with Matty and Larry.

I would be happy when everyone got home tomorrow, though I’d probably bitch and moan about it to save face.

Muscle Twink returned, eyes wide and looking fearful. He squeaked when Charlie glanced at him. He even bowed a little when giving me my drink, which I was perfectly fine with. I hadn’t lied; I’d spent hours on my hair, and I deserved to have someone bow to me. I considered it reparations.

And I would have been perfectly fine sitting in silence, listening to the sound of the bar filling up below, seeing flashes of queens behind the stage curtain. It was something I was used to, and the cocktail was strong and just what I needed.

Which meant, of course, that Charlie had to prove he was just as meddlesome as everyone else in my life. I should have stayed home.

“I took my gentleman out for a meal last night,” Charlie said, apropos of nothing, and I should have realized it for what it was. I was just happy to hear him volunteer information about Robert. Charlie was fiercely private, even with those of us he considered family. We hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Robert since Paul and Vince’s wedding, even though we’d begged to have them over for dinner. No dice so far.

I played it cool, not knowing what lay ahead. “Oh? That sounds lovely. Did you have a good time?” I was already planning ways I could get every single detail to relay to the others when they returned.

“We did,” Charlie said. “I had swordfish. He had the salmon.”

Gross. That sounded terrible. Seafood was disgusting. “How nice.”

“There was a piano player. And candles on the table.”

Oh my god, old people on romantic dates was my new kink. What the fuck. I desperately needed to coo at him and make other assorted appreciative noises to make sure he understood I would die for them. Instead I said, “That sounds like the perfect evening. Very romantic. Did Robert enjoy himself?”