“Oh no,” he said. “It’s like you’ve forgotten how much shit you gave me over Dom. I can’t believe you never thought it’d eventually come back around to you.”

“It’s not the same,” I snapped. “You and Dom had this whole… destiny thing about you. You were always going to be together. It was just a matter of time.”

“Why can’t it be the same for you and Jeremy?”

“I’m wearing half a cow in order to spy on him in a leather bar,” I said dryly. “And he’s thirteen years older than me. And my boss. And wouldn’t be interested in someone like me.”

His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean someone like you? He would be lucky to have someone as great as you. Did he say something? Oh my god, I am going to come down there and kick his ass—”

Bless his heart. He would certainly try. “He didn’t say anything. Not like…. We’re friends, Ty. We’re just starting to be friends, and that’s more important than anything else.”

He watched me for a moment. Then, “You really like him, huh?”

And since it was just him and me, I said, “More than I thought.”

He sighed. “Can I give you some advice?”

I snorted. “This ought to be good.”

“You are more than you think you are.”

I was struck speechless.

He looked down at his hands. “I know you don’t always see it. And I get that. I get why. I tend to do the same. And it used to be a lot worse for me. It sucks being in my head sometimes, but it’s not like it used to be. And a big reason for that is you.”

“That’s not—”

“It is,” he said. “You helped me get back on my feet when I thought I’d never be able to stand on my own again. Shit got stupid, and a lot of it was my fault. And you made sure to point that out, though you were never a dick about it.” He paused, considering. “Well, most of the time.”

I wiped my eyes. “Tough love.”

“Right,” he said. “And while I may have a high IQ, you’re smarter than I could ever be. You know what’s right for you and what’s not. But I think sometimes you’re so worried about taking care of everyone else, you forget to take care of yourself. You’re like Bear in that regard.”

“Oh god,” I moaned. “Never say that again.”

He grinned, though it started to fade almost immediately. “Maybe it’ll be Jeremy.” He held up his hand as soon as I opened my mouth to protest. “Or maybe it won’t be. I agree that nothing should happen between you two now because the dynamic is all off. From what you tell me, Phoenix House sounds pretty great, and you don’t want to fuck that up.”


He shrugged. “But who knows what could happen in the future? Again, maybe it’ll be Jeremy. Or it’ll be someone else. But whomever you choose to give your love to is going to be someone pretty damn special. And I can’t wait to meet them. You deserve everything good, Corey. I will always believe that.”

“I love you,” I told him, reaching out to touch his face on the screen. “And I miss you like hell.”

“I love you too. But I don’t want to ever hear you say the words someone like me ever again that way. Jeremy or anyone else should thank their lucky stars they get to be with you. I know I did.”

“But we have something better now, don’t we?” I asked.

“We do,” he agreed. “You’re an honorary Thompson. And that means we’ll never let you go.”

“That sounds like a threat.”

“Oh, it is,” he said. “It is.”

/> LATER THAT afternoon I got a text from Jeremy.

Good weekend?

I hesitated before responding. Pretty good. Not doing much. You?