ll demanding answers to their questions. He looked like he was handling himself okay, so I left him to it. I found Robert standing by himself off to the side as the crowd broke up for light refreshments.

“That went well,” Robert said as I stopped behind him.

“It did.”

He tapped his cane against my shoe. “You sound relieved.”

“I was more worried about him than everyone else,” I admitted. “I sort of felt like I was forcing him to come down here.”

Robert shook his head. “He may have put up a good fight, but I could tell he was excited. I think he was flattered you even asked.”

“He’s the best.” I laughed when Kai reached up and tugged gently on the leather strap hanging from the chain around his neck, asking him where he got it because it looked so cool.

“He is,” Robert said fondly. “We’re all very lucky to have him in our lives.”

I glanced at Robert. “You think he knows that?”

“Oh, I’m sure he does, though I don’t think it’s just needing to hear the words. It’s how you all include him. He may grumble about a lot of things, but I’ve seen the way he lights up when one of you texts him or when he tells me a story about some ridiculous situation you’ve all found yourselves in.” Robert chuckled. “You’re a very lively bunch.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” I said honestly. “We’re pretty weird. I don’t even know how we’re still alive.”

“I like it. Keeps me on my toes.” Robert hesitated. Then, “May I be forward with you?”

I waggled my eyebrows at him. “Won’t Charlie get jealous?”

Robert grinned at me. “Oh, I highly doubt you could handle me.”

“That’s… strangely comforting. Seriously. What the fuck. Go ahead. Hit me with your worst.”

“You love my son. And I think he loves you.”

I gaped at him.

“I thought as much,” he said as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on my head. “Close your mouth, my dear. Someone will take it as an invitation.”

I snapped my mouth closed, almost biting my tongue.

Robert watched Jeremy as he tilted his head back and laughed, Nana beaming up at him proudly. Matty and Larry looked shocked and appalled. I didn’t want to know what Nana had said. “I told you once about Jeremy, that I thought he was lonely. That he didn’t have people who could appreciate him for all he was. And you took my words to heart. You gave him a place to belong. What I didn’t expect was for you all to do the same for me.”

I couldn’t figure out how to form words.

“It wasn’t until Charlie that I realized that I was lonely too. I’ve lived a long life filled with happiness and sadness, joy and heartbreak. I didn’t expect to be the age I am now and find myself with a man who makes my heart sing. And with him came a group of remarkable people who love each other so much it hurts. You opened your arms for a pair of lonely gentlemen, and I can’t thank you enough for it.”

“You belong with us,” I managed to say. “The both of you.”

Robert nodded. “And I understand that. Nana told me that I was an honorary Auster. I was touched by that. Your family has welcomed us into your home. And I need you to know that no matter what happens, I’m welcoming you into mine. While I can’t speak for the future and what it holds for all of us, and whether you and Jeremy become something more or stay as you are now, you’ve changed us, Corey, for the better. And I will never forget that.”

I hugged him. He laughed delightedly as he hugged me back. It was a good sound, one I hoped to hear again and again.

“We’re figuring it out,” I whispered to him. “I think… I think it’s going to be something great.”

“Good,” he said, patting my back. “And if he needs a kick in the ass, you tell me. I’ll take care of it. And if I think you need the same, have no fear: I’ll take care of that too.”

I believed him.

PHOENIX HOUSE emptied as the afternoon wore on. I got hugged and high-fived and fist-bumped by most of the kids as they left. A few threatened to come find me if I didn’t come back as soon as I could. I promised them all they couldn’t be rid of me, no matter how hard they tried.

Kai and Diego were the last of the kids to leave.