“Hey,” Vince said as we approached. “Jeremy, good to see you.”

“You too,” Jeremy said, eyeing Helena warily. “Thanks for letting me come up.”

“You’re welcome,” Helena said as Paul and Darren stepped back. “You may let me look at you now.” She still didn’t turn around.

“Go,” I whispered, shoving Jeremy toward her. “Before she changes her mind.”

Jeremy glared at me over his shoulder, but he walked in front of Helena, though he gave her a wide berth. She was wearing her Carnivàle costume, all bright colors and feathers. She looked like the oversized love child of a peacock and a flamingo, though since I valued my life, I would never tell her as much.

Jeremy swallowed thickly as he stood in front of her, looking up, given that Helena’s heels put her a few inches over him. If she decided to eat him, I wouldn’t be able to stop her.

She reached out with a gloved hand, tracing a finger along his cheek. “Hello, baby doll,” she said. “Thank you for coming to witness my glory. I promise that your life will be changed by what you are about to see.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s seen you perform before.”

“I know,” Helena said simply.

“You look gorgeous,” Jeremy told her as Helena tapped a finger on his chin.

“Hmm,” Helena said. “Do I? Tell me more.”

“Um. I like your feathers?”

Yeah, he was going to get eaten. I had to save him. “What he meant to say was that he’s never seen such a vision, and that he’s awed to be in your presence. There has never been someone such as you, and you are the most beautiful queen who has ever existed.”

“Really,” Helena said, sounding dangerously dubious. “That’s what he meant to say.”

“Yes,” Jeremy said, eyes wide. “Exactly.”

Helena cocked her head. “Then why didn’t you say it like that?”

“Tone it down,” Darren muttered. “Save some for the show.”

Helena whirled around, eyes blazing. “Excuse me?”

Darren leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, careful not to mess up her makeup. “Everyone here knows how beautiful you are. Don’t scare the newbie.”

And wonder of all wonders, Helena just… stopped. She shook her head as she laughed. “I’m just fucking with him. Think of it as an initiation to the Queen’s Lair.” Goddamn, was she whipped over Darren. Who would have thunk? She looked back at Jeremy, her smile less feral. “Thank you for coming, Jeremy. If you need anything, ask someone else, because I’m terribly busy. Darren, you may help me down the stairs now. If you let me fall, just know I’ll take you down with me.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Darren said, taking her by the hand and leading her toward the door.

Helena blew kisses at us as she left. We waited until the door closed before breathing a sigh of relief.

“What the hell was that?” Jeremy demanded.

“That was Helena letting you know she loves you,” Paul said, sitting down on the stool next to Charlie. “And she approves of you being here.”

“If she didn’t, she would have thrown you off the balcony,” Vince said. He frowned. “I’ve never seen it happen before, but she threatens it all the time.”

“Queens,” Charlie muttered. “Can’t live with them, can’t shoot them because it would get glitter everywhere.” He glanced up at us. “Jeremy, nice to see you again. Corey, come here.”

I did.

He looked me up and down. “You look nice.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” He turned his cheek toward me, and I kissed him because it made us both happy.

“Are you all right?” Vince asked me.