“You know I’m not worried about you, right?”

I shrugged. “Sure. But they are your friends. You must like them for a reason. And this is a pretty big deal. I’ll charm the hell out of them, we’ll get their money, and then we’ll descend from this place to go back with the rest of the plebeians where we belong.”

He sighed. “Please don’t say that to them.”

I scoffed. “As if I would—holy balls, is that their house?”

“Ridiculous, isn’t it?” Jeremy asked as he pulled into the driveway.

Ridiculous was an understatement. There was a fucking fountain near the front of the house, with a statue of a cherub holding a vase that water spilled from. The house itself looked to be three stories and had columns at the entryway. There were lights in the trees and bushes, the landscaping immaculate. I was probably lowering the property value just by existing near it.

“This is a mansion,” I hissed at Jeremy. “What happens if I get lost inside and have to wander the hallways until someone gives me a feather duster and I become part of the staff?” I glared at him accusingly. “Is this why you brought me? Am I a sacrifice to the house?”

He snorted as he parked next to something called a Bugatti, a sleek-looking car that I’d never heard of before. “Yes. That’s exactly why. Darn. How did you ever figure out my dastardly scheme?”

“Please tell me there are secret passages that you have to pull a book from the shelf to open. You know what? Never mind. I’m just going to pull all the books I see until I find it myself.”

Jeremy was startled into a laugh. “Please don’t do that. Adam is a rare-book collector who—”

I threw up my hands. “Of course he is.”

We got out of the Jeep. I was smoothing out my slacks when Jeremy came to stand before me. I looked at him, not flinching when he reached out and straightened my tie. “Fixed it for you,” he said quietly.

“Thanks,” I said awkwardly as I stepped back.

He looked like he was going to say something else when the front door opened and Stephen Morgan stepped out. “There you guys are,” he said cheerfully. “I thought I heard you pull up.”

“I don’t know how,” I muttered. “Your house is the size of god.”

Jeremy coughed roughly. “Hey, Stephen. Sorry we’re late. Traffic was a nightmare.”

Stephen waved a hand dismissively. “No worries. I’m pleased you came.” He winked at me. “Been trying to get this guy back up here for a while. Thanks for convincing him, Corey.”

I was charmed. While I’d only had brief moments with Stephen, I’d liked him. He was a little older than Jeremy and devilishly handsome. He wore a suit that was probably worth more than everything I owned, and it was cut perfectly for his chiseled frame. He looked like he was ready to star in Men.com suit porn, something I’d indulged in for a glorious few weeks last year.

Stephen kissed Jeremy on the cheek and shook my hand. “Thanks for letting us come last minute,” I said. “I hope we’re—I’m not imposing.”

Stephen shook his head. “The more the merrier. And I’m definitely curious to hear your pitch, though I don’t know if you’ll need to work too hard to convince me. I know Phoenix House is important. Though my time was cut short there, I could see the possibilities. You’ve got me in your corner in case anyone else tries to give you shit.”

That surprised me.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

THERE WERE eight of us in total, all men, and aside from me and Stephen’s partner, Adam, all white. There was a Chad and a Luke and a Chase and a Brad, and I wondered if this was my version of a monosyllabic hell. I scolded myself for being so judgmental so quickly, but I couldn’t help it.

Especially when Brad seemed surprised to see me and said, “You’re very exotic,” like it was something normal people commented on.

I let it slide. For now. Especially when Chase chided him. “Don’t be crass.”

Brad—blond, blue-eyed, and gorgeous—looked annoyed. “It was a compliment.”

Yeah, I wanted to take his money more than anyone else’s so far, and it’d only been a couple of minutes. “Thanks. I think.”

Jeremy stood at my side, frowning. “Brad,” he said stiffly. “Nice to see you again. Chase, you’re still putting up with his shit?”

Chase laughed, his teeth blindingly white. “What can I say? He keeps me young. Seems as if you know what I’m talking about.” He eyed me up and down pointedly.

Jeremy started to splutter.