“Nonsense,” Robert said as he sipped his glass of wine. “I also like the way Larry handles his tongs.”

“See?” Matty told her son.

Paul looked at Robert like he’d been betrayed. “That’s my dad.”

“I can see where you got your good looks from,” Robert told him.

Paul opened and closed his mouth soundlessly.

“I’m going to keep you,” Nana decided. “Before you leave, I am going to get your phone number. Be prepared for calls in the middle of the night when I need a ride.” She narrowed her eyes. “And you can’t ask questions.”

Robert smiled at her. “I look forward to it.”

“We’re so happy you and Jeremy could be here,” Matty said. “It’s nice to finally have us all together.”

“We appreciated the invitation,” Robert said. “I’ve been on Charlie to do something like this for a time. And when Kori told Jeremy you were already having the get-together, I thought it would be a perfect time.”

“Right,” Matty said slowly. “Because that’s exactly what happened.” She glanced at me and winked. “This was already planned and wasn’t a last-minute thing at all.”

I coughed roughly.

Robert looked amused. “Is that so? I, for one, couldn’t tell either way. You’ve put on a wonderful spread, Matty.”

“This was planned?” Paul asked, sounding confused. “Then why did Kori sound panicked when she texted—ow. Mom! Why the fuck did you kick me?”

“Language!” Larry called over.

“Sorry,” Matty said. “My foot slipped. I had a spasm. You know how it is.”

“No, I don’t,” Paul muttered, reaching under the table to rub his leg.

Matty rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’ll survive. And Robert, know that the invitation is open. You and Jeremy are always welcome here.”

Robert nodded. “Thank you. I haven’t socialized as much as I used to. I fear I may have started to become a bit of a shut-in. Thankfully, Charlie came along.”

“It seems to be going well,” Sandy said, a question without actually asking a question. “You and Charlie.”

Robert seemed game for it. “It is. He’s a good man. And while I believe that it comes from within, I can’t help but think it also stems from the people he surrounds himself with.”

“Flatterer,” Nana muttered. “Good. You know what’s up. They eat that up here. Keep going.”

“It keeps you young,” Robert continue

d. “And while I’ve made my peace with aging, the fact that someone like Charlie can make me as happy as I am is no small feat.”

“Oh my god,” Paul said. “You are delightful.”

Robert chuckled. “You’ll learn what I mean in time. As long as you and Vince are kind and honest with one another, you’ll find yourselves looking back at a long and happy life. It’s not as common as you might think either. Sometimes the happiness you find is there when you least expect it, and much later than you ever thought possible. I wasn’t looking for it, but it was there all the same.” He glanced at me. “Funny how that works, isn’t it?”

“Happiness doesn’t need to be that kind of love,” Nana said. “Look at me. I’m single and ready to mingle, and yet I still have what I do.”

“Of course,” Robert said. “Our lives and homes are what we make of them. Familial love can be just as strong as romantic love.”

Nana grinned at me. “All these couples, eh, Kori? You, me, and Jeremy should probably have our own table.”

I sunk lower in my seat. “I think I’m okay with staying right here.” I looked out at the grill. The men were all staring down at it as Larry flipped a burger. The others clapped Larry on the back, congratulating him for the perfect flip. God, they were so stupid.

“Were you ever into leather?” Matty asked Robert, and I wished I’d never been born. “Is that something I can even ask? I don’t know if it’s rude or not. Did Jeremy get that from you? Larry had chaps once, but he didn’t like how they didn’t have anything that covered his bottom. I thought they made his tush look cute, but I expect it’s up to what you’re comfortable with.”