Griffin. Griffin. Even his name was hot. Fuck this guy. He looked to be around Jeremy’s age, and his muscles had muscles. I thought about flexing and sticking out my chest, but I would probably look like a twelve-year-old wearing a dead animal, so I didn’t.

“A tourist, huh?” Griffin said, and while he wasn’t mean about it, it still rankled me. “That’s awesome. I like your top.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, feeling uncomfortable. “Charlie gave it to me.”

Griffin looked taken aback. “Daddy Charlie? That Charlie?”

“Yeah. You know him?”

“Everyone knows him,” Griffin said. “He’s a legend.”

Damn right he was. “He’s part of my family. He brought us tonight so we could see Jeremy.”

“And he’s dating my dad,” Jeremy said.

“Wow,” Griffin said. “That’s… wonderful.” Griffin shook his head. “He’s good people. Hella intimidating, but still.”

Hella, I mouthed to myself.

“Did you need something?” Jeremy asked.

“Yeah, the photog needs us again for more shots. Wants to get some of us a little more… undressed.” Griffin waggled his eyebrows. “What say you, former Mr. Leatherman? Feel like loosening your tie a little?”

Jeremy sighed. “Sure. Sounds fine. Give me a minute, okay?”

Griffin nodded. He glanced at me. “Nice to meet you, Corey. I’ll take care of Jeremy. It’s good to see someone coming in to support him.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Sure. Thanks. You too.”

Griffin gave a lingering look at Jeremy before he went back inside, the door closing behind him.

We sat in silence for a moment. I finally said, “He seems… nice.” I almost said alive but realized that wasn’t exactly a compliment.

“He is,” Jeremy said, staring out into the parking lot. “Been in the scene for a while. Good guy.” He shook his head. “I better get back in.”

“Right. You have to go get… naked. Or whatever.”

Jeremy laughed. “Nah. I’ll just have to unbutton my shirt. I’m not really into public nudity when there’s so much… public around. You want to come back in?”

My eyes bulged. “To watch you unbutton your shirt?”

He glanced at me with an unreadable expression. “If that’s what you want.”

I forced out a laugh, reminding myself that we were just two guys being friends. “Nah, bro,” I said, punching his shoulder. “That’s not my ish.”

He tilted his head. “That’s not your what?”

I had no idea. “Um, you’re white. It’s not for you to understand. Just roll with it.”

He stood, leather squeaking. But this time it wasn’t funny, because the toes of his boots were pressed against mine and I was eye level with his crotch. I gulped as I looked up slowly, my gaze running over his stomach and chest until I got to his face. It should not have been as hot as it was, being in such a seemingly submissive position. My porn brain wondered if anyone had ever been in this exact position and called him Daddy. It wasn’t my kink, but I could see why it could be.

“If you’re sure,” he said, voice deeper than it’d been just a moment ago. He was once again in Mr. Leatherman mode, and I snapped my mouth closed to keep from drooling.

I nodded.

“Okay. You going to stay, or…?”

I shrugged. “Might call it a night. Have to work in the morning.”