“I tried.” He went back to his homework and the pseudo-incest homoerotic home show.

I went back to my ironing.

I was strong.

I was fierce.

I could do this.

I would ignore Darren Mayne.

I was not curious in the slightest about what he wanted.

Obviously, it would lead to nothing good.

I didn’t care.

I lasted one minute and twenty-seven seconds.

I felt like a failure.

I’m ignoring you, I wrote, because I thought maybe he should know. It’s always easier to ignore someone when they know you’re ignoring them. It’s also more delicious that way.

The response was immediate: Why?

Me: You don’t seem to understand what being ignored means

Darren: Maybe because I’ve never been ignored in my life

I bristled at that, because what a fucking asshole. I put down my phone, figuring I’d heard all I needed to hear. I picked the iron back up. I hummed to myself.

I lasted sixteen seconds.

Me: Why are you texting me?

Darren: Does it matter? This isn’t the first time

Me: That is beside the point

Darren: Why did you delete my number?

Me: Why wouldn’t I? I only had your number because of Paul and Vince. And then I didn’t need it anymore. We’re not texting buddies.

Darren: Texting buddies?

Me: Yes, I regretted using that term as soon as I hit send

Darren: You should regret. I regret it for you

Me: What do you want?

Darren: We need to talk

Me: So you said. We have nothing to talk about

Darren: My brother and your best friend are getting married

Me: And?