“Fake dating,” I said. “That’s not—”

And then he did the damnedest thing.

He groaned long and loud, a sound of pure sex that caused the hairs to stand on the back of my neck. My hands were instantly clammy as the sound died out, his eyes never leaving mine.

“What the hell was that?” I demanded, ignoring how breathless I sounded.

“We have to sell it, right?” he asked. “I’m pretty sure the people down in the bar just heard that.”

I whirled around, realizing how close to the balcony we were.

And how there was no music playing yet.

And how quiet it seeme

d all of a sudden.

Which meant the people already in the bar had just heard him make that noise.

“What the fuck?” I hissed at him as I turned back toward him. “Stop that!”

“Make me,” he whispered. Then, much louder, “Yeah, Sandy. Do it right there. Oh fuck, you feel so good.”

“Oh my god, shut up!” I whisper-screamed at him. Because I had a reputation to maintain, one that did not include fucking the Homo Jock King in the Queen’s Lair.

He just groaned again, rocking his head back, letting the sound of his voice drag hotly over my skin. I felt too warm, too flushed, and I thought I was quickly losing control of the situation yet again.

“Fine,” I said to him in a low voice. “Two can play at that game.” I pulled Helena to the forefront as quickly as I could. My movements became more fluid, my voice huskier and dripping with something distinctly Helena. “Oh, right there, baby doll,” I said as loudly as I could, facing the balcony. “Oh, that’s what mama likes.”

Darren began to cough explosively, like he’d just swallowed something down the wrong tube.

What an amateur. He obviously didn’t know who he was fucking with. Little boys like him shouldn’t even try to play against a queen. I would crush him like the insignificant speck of nothing that he was.

“What’s that?” I made sure my voice echoed down onto the dance floor and into the bar below. “You want me to fuck you? Why, Darren. I would have thought you were Toppy McSuper Top. But of course you can be my bottom bitch.”

But then, he seemed to recover well enough because that evil grin came back on his face and he came to stand beside me on the balcony, well enough away from the edge to avoid being seen, but close enough for every word to be heard.

“Only for you,” he said, voice all rough and deep. “You going to fuck my ass, Sandy? Gonna fuck me with your cock?”

“Darling,” I purred, wondering when we’d turned toward each other. There was still space between us, but it wasn’t much. “You’re with a queen now. I expect you to refer to me as such.”

And for some reason, I thought he blushed, but it could have been the lighting. “Helena,” he said. “You want to fuck me, Helena?”

“I’m not going to fuck you.” I bared my teeth. “I’m going to destroy you.”

Something crashed down below. It sounded like somebody had dropped a glass bottle of something onto the floor, but I couldn’t be bothered with trying to find out what it was, because I was locked in a battle of wills with a dangerous foe.

“Come on, then,” he taunted loudly. “Fuck me if you’re going do it. Destroy me if you can.”

“Holy shit,” someone said from below. I thought it was probably Izaac.

I grinned at Darren and pushed by him, moving toward Charlie’s stool, pulling it away from the balcony railing. He’d always complained about how the thing made too much noise, how he was going to bring in some WD40 to stop it from squeaking.

“Yeah,” I said aloud. “Bend over that stool and show me your hole.”

He grimaced at me. “That sounds like really bad porn,” he whispered, trying to fight a smile.

“Shut up,” I whispered back. “You sound like bad porn.”