How is this happening right now?

They have profiles of each of the dancers

Please tell me you didn’t look at them. Nana. Please

I looked at all of them. My favorite is Juan Carlos

This has to be bad dream

He likes salsa music, dogs and has chest hair

Why is that listed on a stripper profile?

Hire him, Paul

I’m going to find a retirement community for you to live in

If you don’t, when I die, I’ll cut you out of my will and then haunt you


You’ve been warned. Ghost Nana!

“My god,” I breathed. “When I get old, I want to be her. Did you click on the link?”

“Yeah,” Paul admitted, taking back his phone. “And Juan Carlos looks like Magnum PI. I was terribly confused and slightly aroused. It was very awkward for me.”

“Tom Selleck often causes that feeling in people,” I said. “I’m assuming Vince didn’t come to lunch with us because he’s telling Darren the same things you’ve told me?”

Paul nodded as he sipped his tea. “Don’t think Darren will care as much as you do about the size of the wedding. Though, I expect he’ll be excited for different reasons.”

“Great.” I rolled my eyes. “Because if Darren’s happy, we’re all happy.”

“It seems like it, doesn’t it?”

I put down my fork because I was starting to get stabby again. “You have your devious face on, Paul. Which means you’re planning something.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I just want everyone to get along. I know Darren’s not your favorite person, but you’ll be seeing a lot of him with all the wedding stuff.”

“I thought you said it was going to be a small wedding.”

“It is.”

“Then what wedding stuff could there possibly be?”

Paul grinned at me.



“This had better not be some harebrained matchmaking scheme you and Vince have got cooking. If it is, I swear to god I will not stop in finding ways to make both your lives miserable.”

Paul feigned shock. “Sandy. I would never.”

I stared at him.

He took a bite of his salad.