“Honestly?” his friend said. “I have no idea. But I like it.”

“I don’t have time for your nipple contest!” I yelled at them and turned to head toward Mike’s office behind Jack It.

“Sandy!” Darren growled after me.

I walked through the hallway and out to the back patio, where the Karaoke Sunday BBQ was happening. There was a good-sized crowd outside, and some poor soul was positively destroying a Taylor Swift song (which, ironically, somehow made it sound better). But he stopped screeching into the microphone and the music stopped as soon as I stepped onto the patio.

“Girl,” Georgia O’Queef said from next to the karaoke machine. “I don’t even want to know where you been, but you got spunk on your neck.”

“It’s all Darren’s fault,” I snapped over my shoulder as I pushed my way through the crowd.

“My fault,” he shouted after me. “You were the one that made me come on your face!”

“Oh my word,” Georgia said. “Y’all need Jesus.”

I made my way to the back of the bar and through the gate before Darren could catch up with me. I reached Mike’s trailer and didn’t even bother knocking. I threw open the door and stepped inside.

Mike was sitting behind the desk, hunched over his computer. He looked startled when I stepped in, and then his jaw dropped.

“Did we raise enough?” I demanded, standing before him, my hands on my hips.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he said incredulously.

I frowned at him. “What are you talking about? You listen here, Mike. Just because I didn’t knock doesn’t mean—”

“Did you just come through the bar?” he asked, high-pitched.

“Yeah. Where the fuck else would I have been?”

“We serve alcohol in there,” Mike retorted. “You can’t have full frontal nudity and serve alcohol in the same place in Arizona!”

And it was about that time that I realized I was completely and utterly naked.

And I had just stormed through the bar.

Where there were dozens of people.

Darren burst into the trailer just as I began to screech.

“Stop looking at it!” I screamed at Mike, trying to cover myself.

“I can’t!” Mike cried. “It’s right there!”

“Hey!” Darren snapped. “Stop looking at his dick. Only I can do that. Boyfriend privileges!” Darren stood in front of me, trying to put as much of himself between Mike and me as he could.

“This is your fault,” I said to Darren, smacking him across the back of his head. Then, “Oh shit, I didn’t mean to domestically violence you! Please don’t leave me. I swear I can change. It’ll never happen again. It was the tequila, I promise!”

Darren glared at me over his shoulder. “You just ran through the bar,” he growled. “Naked.”

“I am aware of that now,” I said. “To be honest, I’m not quite sure what just happened there.”

“Is that jizz on your neck?” Mike wheezed.

I scowled at Darren. “Next time you come on my face, you better make sure it’s all off when we’re finished.”

“Yes, dear,” he snarked at me.

And, because I found his sarcasm to be amazing, I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. I felt him smile against my lips.