My phone buzzed again with yet another message as we were handed the menus. I thought about ignoring it, but curiosity got the better of me. I scrolled through the messages from last night and this morning.

Where did you go?

Did you leave?

What the hell

Sandy, you better not be gone, I swear to god

Paul said you left

What do you mean brunch is canceled?


Seriously, stop being an asshole


Okay, I’ve slept on it. I still didn’t do anything

I’m coming over later and I’m not leaving until you let me in

I have to do that thing with Caleb today

Why did Vince call me sounding weird?

You’re up to something

I know it

I’m going to figure it out

And finally, the one I just received:

You can’t ignore me forever

Bullshit I couldn’t.

Okay, I probably couldn’t, but no one told me what to do.

Not especially since Vince was convinced (goddammit, I was never going to be able to use that word again!) that Darren was in love with me, for fuck’s sake. That was the part I couldn’t quite grasp, no matter how hard I tried. Because I wasn’t sure I wanted to understand it. I didn’t think that could ever be real and—

“Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Poco’s,” a sultry voice said.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Paul muttered. “He’s like a fucking cockroach.”

But the waiter must not have heard him, eyes running up and down Vince and Corey. “My name is Santiago,” he said, cocking his hip. “And I will be here to service you.” He winked at Vince. “Oops. I meant serve you.”

“My names is Esteban Raymundo Moreno,” Vince said, rolling his r’s so hard, I thought he was going to lose his tongue. “I am named after mi padre.”

“How fascinating,” Santiago said. “I like your mustache. It’s very… large.”

“¡Gracias!” Vince said, beaming.

I wasn’t going to put up with his shit today, especially since Paul already looked like someone’s spinster great-aunt from the fifties. “Santiago, was it?”

He glanced away from Vince, sizing me up before nodding.