I DEALT with Brian first, because I figured it’d be easier. I thought briefly about assigning Darren out to one of the other queens, but decided I wasn’t that petty. It was better that I’d handle him myself, even if it meant I’d be getting right up into his face.

It probably didn’t help that the homo jocks arrived in the Lair wearing nothing but thin pairs of black briefs, as previously ordered. While we weren’t going to make them tuck, we still needed them as nude as possible while still preserving their modesty.

Granted, homo jocks weren’t necessarily known for their modesty, and this group in particular didn’t seem to give two shits about being practically naked. In fact, it was actually quite the opposite, especially with the other queens cooing at them. I thought it was possible that Summer was going to devour them whole with the way her eyes were raking over all of the exposed man flesh. It didn’t help that the majority of the homo jocks (including Biff, Chet, and Xerxes, what the hell) were posing, delighted by the attention they were receiving.

Darren didn’t look delighted.

In fact, Darren looked slightly pissed off.

And it was directed toward me.

It was about that time, however, that I realized that in addition to all the other homo jocks being in their underwear, that Darren was also wearing just his underwear, standing in what could arguably have been the smallest pair of briefs known to mankind. Either that, or the rumors about his monster cock were true and it was dwarfing all other cocks in the room. His body was all hard lines, cut muscle. His chest and stomach were hairy, something I hadn’t necessarily thought about before, but now realized I felt the desperate need to rub my face against. And his nipples, for fuck’s sake. How was it possible that a man already physically perfect also was graced with the most beautiful of nipples? Dusky and dark, they had perfect whorls of hair around them. It was like God had decided to up his game the day he made Darren Mayne’s nipples, glory be. Even Izaac, my wonderfully straight Izaac, could not compete with these nips. In fact, Izaac might as well have leprosy of the nipples, for all that it mattered.

Only then did I realize I’d probably been staring at his chest for a solid thirty seconds, which explained why his face had once again been infected by a smug smirk, even if it was still tinged with anger. I coughed rather harshly, and it must have sounded like I was hacking up my lung because Summer grimaced at me, but still attempted to smack me on the back.

“Are you choking on something? Maybe try and chew before you swallow.” She smacked me on the back again, her ridiculously long manicured nails scraping against my skin. “Or maybe just work on your swallowing technique.”

“I thought her swallowing technique was just fine,” Brian said.

The conversations in the room pretty much ceased.

“Oh my god,” I moaned.

“What?” Summer said, eyes wide.

“We had sex.” Brian shrugged.

“Now I know why she didn’t want us to touch them,” Sofonda said to Crystal and Georgia. “Because they’re all hers.”

“Like a harem?” Georgia sounded impressed.

Darren, for his part, had decided the best possible thing to do in the face of Brian’s statement was to crowd into me as much as possible. And since I was more Helena than Sandy at the moment, I thought it was probably one of his better ideas, especially since all that skin he was displaying was pressed up against my side, his chest hair brushing against my arm.

I allowed it to go on for a minute or so, before reality set back in. As much as him pressing against me was literally the stuff my fantasies were made of, Darren was a bastard and a two-timing whore who was cheating on his fake relationship with a hipster twink. That did not endear him to me, no matter how amazing it felt when his bulge brushed up against my hip inadvertently. And I told myself that the strangled noise that crawled out of my throat at that moment had nothing to do with my current state of arousal, but more with the fact that Darren’s audacity was overwhelming.

“I want to punch him,” he growled in my ear, glaring at Brian. “Just a little.”

“I need him,” I said, and he growled some more. “Shut up. Not like that, you idiot. I need him for the auction, for fuck’s sake. You can’t mark his face because I can’t sell a homo jock with a broken nose, no matter how pretty he might be.”

“I’m prettier,” Darren said, scowling.

“Oh my god.” Because what.

He winced. “I didn’t mean it like—”

“What the fuck.”

Darren sighed. “What am I going to have to do to make sure you never bring that up ever again?”

“Nothing,” I said through choked out laughter. “There is nothing you can do because I will always bring that up. You just tried to argue that you’re prettier. This is amazing.”

He looked grumpy at that. And that’s when I found out that his being nearly naked made his grumpy look all the more unbearable. There was a very real chance I was about to knock him off his feet and mount him in front of everyone.

This was bad.

Very, very bad.

Because there were feelings trying to break through.