That was not a nice Helena Handbasket voice.

That voice usually meant someone was getting their balls ripped off.

Apparently Vince knew it well enough by now too, because he paled slightly and said, “No, no. Not like that. Darren’s not like that.”

I turned slowly. Paul took a step back, but I only had eyes for Vince. “And what is Darren like, exactly?” I asked, cocking my head at him.

“Um,” Vince said.

“Vince,” Paul hissed. “Tell her before she murders your face!”

“He’s just… standing there?” Vince said.

“Standing there,” I repeated.

“Oh boy,” Charlie said from behind me.

He too knew that voice. He was wise not to step in front of me when I was stalking my prey.

“He’s not doing anything,” Vince rushed out. “Nothing bad. In fact, he’s not really doing anything at all.”

“Nothing at all,” I said slowly. “So, he’s not reciprocating?”


“But he’s not pushing him away, either.”

“Well. Um. The thing is—”



“Is that right,” I said. “How lovely for him. Vince, tell me. Is this boy a twink?”

“Yes,” Vince said with a manly whimper. “Please don’t take my penis.”

I smiled at him. It must not have been a very nice smile, because he winced and took a step back. The problem was that he hadn’t come very far into the room, so his back was already against the door. He was cornered and he knew it, the poor little lamb.

“Say good-bye to your boyfriend,” Charlie said to Paul.

“Bye, boyfriend,” Paul said morosely.

Vince looked scandalized, which, for someone as beefy as him, looked appropriately hilarious. Well, it would have if I wasn’t ready to unleash my inner beast all over him. He grimaced as I approached, hips rolling, slinking along like I had all the time in the world.

I stood in front of him, the heels on my boots causing me to tower over him. His eyes were wide and he swallowed thickly. I reached up and dragged a nail along his cheek, lightly dimpling the skin. He shuddered, but didn’t look away. “And what did he say when you pointed this out?” I asked.

“Say?” he asked.

“Yes, baby doll. What did he say?”

“Uh. Nothing?”


“Um. Nothing. Because. I didn’t. Say anything? To him.”

“Is that so.”