Me: Darren


Darren: What!!!

Me: Hi =D

Darren: Hi

Me: What are you doing?

Darren: I’m at work. Like you should be

Me: Oh. I’m at work too. Bored :/

Darren: And you thought you would bug me

Me: Rude. I don’t bug. I bless with my presence. Get it right

Darren: Right. Sorry. Thank you for blessing me with your presence

Me: Was that sarcastic? I can’t tell through text

Darren: No

Me: Good

Darren: OR WAS IT

Me: —-^—-o/——

Darren: What the hell is that?

Me: A shark coming to eat you while you’re swimming for being text sarcastic

Darren: You know, it’s my fault for even asking

Me: I’m glad you understand that already. It’ll make things easier

Darren: What things?

Me: Nm. Anyway. I have news!

Darren: I am quivering in anticipation

Me: Gross. That sounds like a serious medical condition

Darren: I don’t have a serious medical condition!

Me: But you’re QUIVERING

Me: That sounds serious

Me: Are you sweating too?

Me: Blurry vision?

Me: Explosive bowel movements?