Yes, Vince. I get it

I need my own TV show

No one would watch it

Middle name?


So ur Paul James Auster? That’s pretty hot

No, it’s not. What is yours?

U’ll laugh

at me

What? No I won’t

Everyone does

I’m not everyone, Vince

Fine. It’s Melody

Your name is Vincent Melody Taylor?

Yes. Melody was my grandmother’s name. I had no choice

I see

Ur laughing at me, aren’t u?

Yes. So hard. I’m going to tell everyone. Especially Tad

Why don’t u like him? Tad’s nice

If by nice, you mean a plague-ridden whore then yes. He’s nice

U don’t need to be jealous. I only have eyes for u (That’s a song!)

Oh, please. I’m not jealous (I’m well aware that’s a song)

U have a lot of argyle socks, Paul

I like socks. Get out of my drawers!!!

Yeah, but u REALLY like them. Like fetish like them

I don’t have fetishes

U could open up an argyle sock and sex store. Call it Sock ’N Cock

Don’t joke about that. It’s my dream. Not the cock part

I believe u can fly. I believe u can touch the sky

Do not threaten me with R. Kelly song lyrics. I’m offended