I considered his words. “So… you’re saying I put you to sleep. That’s… comforting.”

He scowled at me. “I wish you wouldn’t do that.”


“Twist my words. Make it something they’re not. Make you sound bad. Stop it.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, feeling properly rebuked.

“Oh, I like that.” He grinned, waggling his eyebrows at me, some of his smugness returning. Then it faded almost immediately. “I just… I think I sleep better. You know. With you.”

Oh, man. What a fucking line. That’s so not going to work on me.

I waited.

He squirmed.

I sighed… and lifted up the comforter on my bed.

He looked relieved as he walked over and climbed into the bed, lying on his side to avoid putting any pressure on his back. And so he could look straight at me.

“You’re used to getting your way, aren’t you?” I asked, bemused. Wheels took the opportunity to drag himself between us, where he laid down with a mighty huff.

Vince shrugged. “I guess. That’s not what this is about, though.”

“Oh? Then what is it about?”

“Sleep, Paul. I’m not going to have sex with you tonight, so stop asking.”

I was too speechless to think of anything coherent to say in retort. By the time my brain started functioning again, he sighed that happy sound and closed his eyes. But before he drifted off completely, he reached out and grabbed my hand, curling it into his own. And then he slept.

6) Vince Likes To Send Text Messages and Go Through My Shit

What r u doing?

Who is this?

U can’t tell? How disappointing

You spell out disappointing but you can’t spell out the word “you”?

U text like u talk. That’s special

I don’t remember giving you my number, Vince

Ha! U DO know who this is. Oh happy day!

What can I say; I’m psychic



What r u doing?


Guess what I’m doing?