“Sure, Vince.”

“Why don’t you believe me?” he asked, suddenly sounding coherent.

“About what?”

“That I want to take you out.”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t do that.”


He looked aggrieved. “Don’t try to dodge the question. You always do that.”

“You’re stoned, Vince. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Only because you drugged me.”

“Guilt trips don’t work on me.”

“I’m at your house wearing your pajamas. Guilt trips work on you very well.”


“I’m going to take you out on a date,” he said, as if that was that.

I couldn’t take it anymore. “Why? Why do you keep pushing for this?”

He looked me in the eye. “Because,” he said, “I like you.”

I almost felt like bursting into song. I couldn’t look away. “Vince… people like you don’t go for people like me.”

He frowned. “You’ve said that before. What do you mean?”

I gestured between the two of us. “Look at me. Look at you. You’re… pretty. I’m… not.”


p; Before I could stop him, he captured my hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing my fingers gently. Then, he used my own words against me. “I think you’re fine,” he said, “just the way you are. And besides, I think you’re very pretty.”

And then he leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes, holding my hand. Every now and then, his thumb would brush over my palm. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. It seemed safer.

Finally, he opened his eyes. They looked bloodshot. He was a little pale. “Fuck, I’m tired,” he muttered.

Without allowing myself any time to think (because otherwise I would overthink and never, ever take a single chance) I tugged on his hand, pulling him down. He came easily, stretched out along the couch, groaning slightly due to the twinges I’m sure he felt. A few warning bells went off in my head, but they were silenced the minute his head hit my leg. He sighed contentedly as he rubbed his forehead against my legs as if trying to mark me with his scent. He looked up at me and I looked down at him. Neither of us said anything.

4) He Has The Softest Hair Ever

I curled my fingers through it as he drifted off to sleep. He hummed softly as I scratched along his scalp. He fell asleep and I started to. We stayed that way for hours. I didn’t move.

I didn’t want to.

5) Vince Has No Problem With Germs And Is Curious About Tampons

I woke up a while later. It was dark outside, and my legs were asleep. I looked down at my lap. Vince was still curled up against me, his face pointed toward my stomach, snoring softly, one of his hands curled into my shirt like he wanted to be tethered to me. I watched him for a long time, wondering just what the fuck I was getting myself into. This was turning out to be the weirdest week of my life, and I didn’t know if I wanted it to stop. For now we were in this little bubble, and it was only me and him, and nothing else mattered, at least for the moment. I brushed my hand through his hair again. Then I realized I was watching him sleep and how creepy that really was. Some people might have thought it was romantic. I thought it was one step away from putting him in a hole in my basement, telling him to rub the lotion on his skin or else he’ll get the hose again.

Besides, my legs were starting to cramp.